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Beat the Finals Blues: Comfy But Cute Fashion Solutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

The darkest time of the semester is now upon us—finals week. Collegiettes™ everywhere are trapped in the
library, emerging only for review sessions and coffee refills. This stressed-out cycle leaves no room for worrying about style and even the chicest of fashionistas find themselves reaching for their sweatpants. While comfort always comes first during long days in the reading room, keeping cozy doesn’t have to mean looking frumpy. Here are some super easy and totally effortless ways to look cute, even during crunch time!
Not only does a little sparkle brighten up your face and look cute with any outfit, but it’s also super practical for keeping stray hair out of your way while you lean over those textbooks.

Oversized Sweater
Feels like you are wearing pajamas, but looks like you put together a really cute outfit. Pair it with jeans or leggings and prepare to study in a stylish way.

Easy, comfortable, and cute—flats are the perfect shoe for a long day at the library.  They make any outfit look put-together, and come with the added perk of being easy to slip off beneath the table while you study.

A scarf brightens up any outfit, making even a plain T-shirt look stylish. Pick a fun, cheery color to keep you awake during late nights in the library, and something warm for the trek back to your dorm once you’re done.

When finals get the best of you, and personal maintenance falls by the wayside, a beanie can save any hair catastrophe. Tuck your hair under a colorful beanie for late night study sessions.

Patterned Leggings
Trade in the classic black leggings for something fun and different, and throw in a pattern. Pair them with a solid, oversized sweater for a comfy and cute library look.