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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

As a commuter student, there is nothing more frustrating than being asked the question “don’t you feel like you’re missing out on the college experience?”  The reality is, there isn’t necessarily one textbook definition of the “college experience” that defines your four years in school. It is totally possible to be a commuter student and have a full, diverse, and memorable college experience!  Here are six ways to maximize your experience as a commuter student:

1. Make a schedule and stick to it

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Anyone can benefit from some sort of time management in their life, but it is really important for commuters, especially if you rely on public transportation.  Make sure to pick a time to go to and depart campus when you know your bus or train is coming and stick to that time so it doesn’t take you longer to get home. When picking these times, make sure to leave extra room for any traffic or break downs that might occur, especially if you’re trying to make it to class on time.  Blocking out certain times to do homework for a specific class can also help you make sure that you have enough time to get your work done for all of your classes.

2. Get involved with groups on campus

Gif courtesy of Tenor

Joining clubs and other organizations on campus is an easy way for a commuter student to get to know other students outside of the classroom!  Not only will you meet people with similar interests and make new friends, but it also provides a much needed break from studying and any jobs or other obligations you might have.

3. Use the resources available to commuters

Gif courtesy of Gifer

Emmanuel has so many resources available to commuter students, like the commuter lounge on the second floor of Marian Hall, free lockers to lease at the beginning of the academic year, and discounted MBTA passes.  There are also commuter town halls held for commuters to voice any ideas or concerns they might have. Taking advantage of all of these offerings can make your experience as a commuter ten times easier.

4. Get a job on campus

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Similar to getting involved in campus groups, having an on campus job provides a really great way to meet new people, while making money and building up your resume! As a freshman, some of the first friends I made on campus were my coworkers.  

5. Make sure to be prepared for anything

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Like the old saying goes, if you live in New England and you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes because it will be sure to change.  Always make sure you have a rain jacket or umbrella on you! If you have a car or an on campus locker, it’s always good to have a change of dry clothes in case the weather gets bad on your commute into campus or if you decide that you’re going to stay overnight with a friend in their dorm.  Make sure to have essentials like your wallet and phone charger with you before you leave your house, especially if you’re planning on spending a lot of time on campus.

6. Reach out if you’re struggling

Gif courtesy of Annielytics

Commuting isn’t easy.  There are going to be times where you feel overwhelmed, run down, or disconnected from what’s going on around campus, and that’s totally okay.  If you’re feeling like this, reach out to an individual you trust, like a family member, your academic advisor, or another faculty member that you’re close with.  Talk to other commuter students and ask them about their experiences. All of these people will be able to provide insight as to how you can get the help you need to maximize your success in and outside of the classroom and stay healthy.


Caitlin Amorin

Emmanuel '20

Caitlin is a senior majoring in communications with minors in psychology and political communications. She loves all things Broadway, corny jokes, dogs, books, and Disney. After graduation, she hopes to pursue her masters and doctorate in the field of communications.
Gianna is a freshman at Emmanuel College and is really excited to see what this year has in store for her. Along with writing for Her Campus, Gianna participates in Yoga Club, Zumba Club, and Colleges of the Fenway Dance Project. In her free time, you will most likely find her watching Friends and sipping tea out of her Central Perk mug.