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Sarah Revis selfie
Sarah Revis selfie
Original photo by Sarah Revis

Senior Sendoff: Sarah Revis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Her Campus Executive Board Position: Editor (and Social Media last year)

Major: English Communications and Media Studies

Minor: Writing, Editing, and Publishing

Distinction project name/ short description: “Classrooms, Rhetoric, and Twitter: The Impact of Anti-Critical Race Theory Discourse and Disinformation” – I focused on how the way politicians and political commentators on Twitter talk about CRT impacts legislation surrounding classrooms, especially HB 1775 in Oklahoma.

What was doing distinction like, and how did it impact your senior year experience?

Distinction is tricky and a lot of work, but becoming so familiar with important information and finding patterns in real world problems is super rewarding! I’ve only taken three classes both semesters in order to give myself time to work on stuff. 

What is your favorite memory from being a part of Her Campus? 

My freshman year when I first joined, the excitement of being in a new club and being with people I had a common interest with was really memorable. 

Best place you’ve had a scavenger hunt?

The Museum of Science is always a fun one! Plus, it works out when it’s raining!

Worst place you’ve had a scavenger hunt?

The Seaport. There’s nothing there but gray buildings, and no good spots to meet up. 

What are you looking forward to after graduation?

Getting a job where I can go home and log off! In what industry? Uuuuuuuuh… next question! 

What was the best class you took in college?

Love and Gender in British Film and Literature with Dr. McGuire. I learned about a lot of different types of Media Theory, read Orlando by Virginia Woolf, and had deep conversations about popular movies. 

Favorite book you’ve read recently?

I’ve been into LBGTQ romance books recently, and Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May is a delight. It’s a lesbian retelling of the Great Gatsby, but with witches! 

What is an Emmanuel college tradition that is meaningful to you?

The school’s commitment to intellectual curiosity, meaningful work, and charitable contributions have always meant a lot to me.  

Sarah Revis selfie
Original photo by Sarah Revis
Megan Seaver

Emmanuel '24

Hi my Name is Meg I'm a freshmen at Emmanuel College. Some things I'm interested in writing about are feminist issues, politics, and current issues around the world.