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Quotes From Fashion Designers That Have Inspired me

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Understanding why fashion designers create the pieces that they do is how I show my appreciation for the art form. When I understand the motive behind why people design, I can contextualize it in my own life. It inspires me to be athletic, sustainable, and push myself to try new things.

One interesting quote  by Rick Owens is, “Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.” I don’t agree with this philosophy entirely, as I believe style is an aspect of self-expression, therefore it should be attainable for all bodies. However, I can attest to the ways exercise helped me gain confidence and how that translates into my style. As an avid cross-country runner, I feel running has helped calm my anxieties about my appearance. I value my body for how fast and hard it allows me to run, not the way it looks. I get dopamine from running a good race, and it feels better than the dopamine I get from shopping because I worked hard for it. I find going for a long run to be a way to ground myself. I go out and I see all types of people with personal styles that are tailored to fit lifestyles, not a runway. I also realized nobody cared what I looked like, it was okay to go out in public in a greasy ponytail and stained sweatshirt. I wasn’t even thinking about how I presented myself, I was thinking about what song I wanted to listen to or which fork in the road I would go down. In turn, this took the pressure off me to construct a carefully curated image with my everyday style. Every public outing no longer feels like it’s for others’ consumption, it’s for me and I can choose to express myself or feel comfortable. I’ve rewired my brain to value intrinsic motivation in my sport, which has transferred into other aspects of my life.

The late Vivienne Westwood expresses a similar sentiment, “Buy less, choose well, make it last.” One way I’ve decided to buy less is attending swap meets, the most recent one I attended was Barter Boston, sponsored by EC Reslife. I love finding pieces for free that I know I’ll need, but not often enough to justify purchasing them new. For example, I found professional dress pants that fit me well after I’d outgrown my old pair. I also found green tank top that’s perfect for next St Patrick’s day, last March I had to mass text all my friends to borrow a green shirt. I did not want to be in a  pinch! This event also helped me choose well because it was small scale and community oriented. Having a small selection of items laid out and organized was more laid back than a big store with overflowing racks of clothes. There was also less pressure to keep a garment because I knew someone else would come along and love it. Unlike chain retailers that frequently choose to destroy and throw away what’s not purchased. Making things last is important to me as someone who cares about mindfully rehoming garments and has gotten so much value from preloved things.

Marc Jacobs has been quoted saying, “Any opportunity to adorn oneself is human, and accessories are an easy way to do it.” Lately I’ve been inspired to wear keychains on my belt loops after a rewatch of Jennifers Body, Megan Fox’s titular character can be seen sporting the look multiple times throughout the film. If a necklace draws attention to the décolletage, a charm hanging off a belt loop has salacious implications. The intersection of suggestive placement and an innocent motif is a visual representation of Jennifers struggle with men’s perception of her vs her sense of self. I’ve also been loving headbands lately, once again inspired by movies, specifically the preppy styles of Cher Horrowitz in Clueless. They’ve been a blessing as I grow out my bangs, the perfect balance of feminine and utilitarian. I like to use excess fabric scraps when I hem a dress or skirt to create a headband, I can’t resist a matching moment.

Karl Lagerfelds opinion, “Think pink. But don’t wear it,” is a sentiment I can ironically get behind. Anyone who knows me knows it’s my favorite color to an extreme extent. All my clothes and accessories are pink, my throw pillows are pink, even my retainer case is pink. Many iconic looks Lagerfeld made for Chanel were pink, I think he was misconstrued as a hater of pink when he’s simply advocating for variety. In my own life, I find that wearing pink is an easy way to feel feminine without trying hard. Which inspires me to try harder by styling new colors. Thus unlocking  new aspects of femininity. Blue shows a more sensitive side while black makes me feel mysterious and sultry. I enjoy playing with color because I can make a change without altering the silhouettes, hair, and make-up that I already know suit me.

Caitlin is a writing editing and publishing major with a global and public health minor.