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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Recently I’ve been on a journey to find new sneakers and gym clothes. You may also be on this same journey if you read my previous article, “How to enter your Hot Girl Gym era”. Usually, when I want recommendations, I ask my friends first, then TikTok, by typing the brand or item in the search bar. Immediately, I’m  flooded by results. Some are sponsored, some are honest reviews, and some are just bad reviews bashing the product. This overwhelms me, because I feel like there are so many options with pros and cons that I can’t think straight. I also can’t leave out the issue of prices, some of the socalled “best” products cost a fortune and as a broke college student, it is just not an option. 

Right now I am looking for new running shoes and a gym shoe, both shoes need to serve a different function, but I also want them to be versatile. I’ve heard so many good things  about Hokas, but then I heard that people get blisters, they hurt their knees, and that they suck even though so many people love them. I looked into Ultraboosts, and heard those are bad for your shins and it’s too much support for your arch. Right now the only ones I am set on are the Nike Metcons for cross training, but I heard those can also be bad.I’ve pretty much given up at this point. The same thing goes for gym clothes. I have always loved Gym Shark, but lately I’ve wanted to try new brands but the same mixed reviews freak me out, and there is nothing worse than spending money and hating what you buy. 

Now you may be wondering, “How do I become whelmed?” Well, my answer to you is to just trust yourself and conduct your own research. You have to take a leap of faith and just order the items and try them. I never knew I liked LuluLemon until I ordered some items, and fell in love. I plan on going to a running shoe store to get fitted to the best shoe so I don’t need to worry about other people’s feet, just mine. At the end of the day, you need to remember you have your own preferences and taste. I love my gym clothes to be tight and soft while others prefer  theirs baggy and sweat-wicking, it’s all subject. Now I’m not saying don’t use TikTok, but just don’t put all your faith in it like I did. There is good information out there, but the best way to look at shopping is like a movie, some people love a certain movie that you may hate! You have to create your own opinions, and you may be surprised. Have fun shopping, I wish you the best of luck.

Julianna Roa

Emmanuel '25

I am the event coordinator of Her Campus at Emmanuel College. I am 20 years old, Colombian and play soccer at Emmanuel. I am currently a junior with a major in Communications and a minor Marketing. I love to workout and am always working on being the best version of myself.