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Balancing Life and Work: Tips from a Sophomore to a Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Classes are back and in full swing, but it is still early in the semester! There still is so much to discover in and around campus, but at the same time workloads are piling up. I struggled with this balance last year, so I am here to share my tips and tricks on studying and time management to make the best of your first autumn in Boston. 

  1. To-do lists

I love a good list. Writing out my assignments and other tasks puts into perspective just how much work I have to do. It often calms my anxious feelings when it comes to my workload. I would suggest purchasing a planner, calendar, or a dry erase board to list out your tasks. My favorite item that helps me with my lists is a dry-erase to-do list board. It is reusable, perfect for using throughout college, and it is so satisfying to just erase an assignment off of it when it is completed! 

  1. Scheduling your time

Being a student is like a full time job, but you must remember that even people with full time jobs get a break. Giving yourself time to step away from your computer and homework is just as important as studying for your test next week. After making your to-do list, assign an approximate time it will take you to do each assignment. This gives you an idea of how long you have to dedicate to completing your work, and also allows you to see how much free time you have. Allowing yourself to enjoy your time at school is so important. Yes, you are here to learn, but, you need to have some good stories to tell at Thanksgiving, right? 

  1. Capitalize on free time 

When you take a break from studying, take advantage of the thingsaround you! It’s important to listen to your body. What do you need? Maybe it’s a walk, food, talk with your friends, or even just a nap. Make sure you are sleeping! My favorite place to decompress after finish work is the Boston Public Gardens. It’s  my favorite place in the city, so I use the excuse of taking a break from work to go visit the ducks. Use your free time to go find your favorite place! 

  1. Take a deep breath 

I know, it’s stressful to balance everything college has to offer. You’re trying to make new friends and get good grades, all while living away from home, most likelyfor the first time. Your head may feel a little blurry, but it’s all going to be okay. Everything is new, but you will get a handle on it. Take a breath, a step back, and make your lists. At the end of the day, you’re doing the same thing you’ve done for the last 13 years. You got this! 

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Lastly, if you feel like you’re lost in the sea of everything, there is no shame in reaching out. Everyone around you wants to help, no one wants to feel like they’re drowning. Sometimes you need an affirmation that you can do it, or you need a helping hand to guide you through. That is perfectly fine, and it is normal. No one expects you to just “get it”. Grab a hand and get on a lifeboat if you need to.

As I start my second year at college, I wish I could tell all of this to myself last year. I hope that this is helpful in some way! Good luck on your first semester. You got this!

Maryssa Crosier

Emmanuel '27

Maryssa is the President of Emmanuel College's Her Campus Chapter. She is a sophomore majoring in Elementary Education and Liberal Studies with a minor in Psychology. She finds HC Emmanuel to be a creative outlet and welcoming environment. She is so thankful to be apart of this organization!