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5 Winter Films for People Tired of Traditional Christmas Movies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

In my opinion, the best way to embrace winter and the holiday season is to cozy up on the couch and marathon festive movies. But after watching holiday classics like The Polar Express, Home Alone, and A Year Without A Santa Claus about a thousand times, the magic of a seasonal movie marathon starts to dissipate a bit. These five winter films are a great way to freshen up your movie nights while still maintaining the festive spirit. 

Die Hard – 1988

This action-packed flick is the perfect edgy-but-not-overly-dark story for people who want to add a bit more thrill to their holiday movie list. For those who haven’t seen it yet, Die Hard follows Bruce Willis’ ultra-macho character John McClane as he tries to save a building full of people (including his wife) from a German terrorist takeover. 

Bridget Jones’s Diary – 2001

Looking for something romantic but not full-on Hallmark? Bridget Jones’s Diary is the ultimate film for all the hopeless romantics this winter. While the story takes place over the span of a full year, the film both begins and ends during the holiday season. Bridget Jones’s Diary is a loose modern adaptation of Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice revolving around a young woman’s hilarious search for love.  

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – 2001

The childlike wonder, the cozy holiday decorations in Hogwarts’ great hall, and Mrs. Weasley’s ugly knit sweaters all give Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone a distinct holiday vibe. Maybe it’s because the director, Chris Columbus, also directed Home Alone, or maybe it’s seeing young Harry, Hermione, and Ron awed by the wonders of the wizarding world that remind us of our own holiday memories. Either way, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’s cozy holiday mood makes it a great pick for a lighthearted festive movie night.

The Hateful Eight – 2015

The Hateful Eight might be the darkest movie on this list, but the winter vibes are perfect for a cozy night in. Quentin Tarantino’s penultimate film depicts eight travelers stuck in a cabin together during a blizzard in post-Civil War Wyoming. This film is tense, thrilling and a refreshing contrast from the lighthearted family movies that are so common during the holiday season. 

Anastasia – 1997

Anastasia is a film based loosely off of the life of Anastasia Romanov who, in real life, was murdered at the age of 17. Despite being based off of a particularly dark subject, the film is a lighthearted and fun musical experience. While it isn’t explicitly a holiday movie, the cold Russian setting in the beginning of the film and the classic theme, Once Upon A December, evokes a wintery nostalgic feeling. 

Regardless of whichever holiday you may celebrate this winter. Enjoying festive films is a cheap and cozy way to enjoy the holiday season. Hopefully, this list has given you inspiration for your own winter movie marathon.

Her Campus Emmanuel