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Wisconsin controversy hits close to home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Last week, the governor of Wisconsin introduced an initiative to reduce the state deficit by lessening state union privileges. The move sparked a nationwide protest, and Rhode Islanders showed their solidarity on Saturday as they braved 30-degree temperatures to hold signs and pass out flyers condemning the initiative. I went to Providence for a fun day trip and had no political agenda whatsoever, but the protest was thrilling to watch. Although America certainly has its share of problems, I love living in a country where people are able to express their opinions freely and peacefully!

Nikki Fig is a Broadcast Journalism major at Emerson College. She writes, produces and reports for shows on several Emerson television stations and is a web writer for Emerson's lifestyle publication, Em Mag. She is also the Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Epsilon Phi and recently returned from a study abroad program in Israel. Nikki is graduating in May and plans to move back to New York City. She wants to pursue a career in journalism that will enable her to combine her love of fashion, travel and culture.