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What Your On-Campus Dining Choice Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

You are what you eat. Or in our case, you are where you eat. Emerson makes a variety of dining options available to its students, but what does your go-to spot say about you?

The Dining Hall
Four words: all-you-can-eat. Those of you who eat most of your meals at the DH appreciate a good value, and aren’t afraid to flaunt your Leaning Tower of Plates after you’re done gorging yourself. You like to get the most out of your experiences and suck the nectar out of life, or in this case, the canned sliced peaches from the salad bar. Dining Hall enthusiasts are logical and intelligent, ensuring that they get the most for their buck – errr – swipe.

Photo: Fast Forward Rewind

Emerson’s Café
Despite the lack of Wi-Fi (what’s up with that?) em Caf is constantly filled with Emersonian intellectuals. If you consider yourself an em Caf regular, then you probably flaunt a sophistication that goes best with black coffee and a Panini. You sit in em Caf because you have a sociological and partially judgmental viewpoint toward Emersonians. You’ll sit in the window seat, gazing out over Boylston, pondering the inner workings of your classmates, and also, “What the f%#! is she wearing?” It’s all well intentioned though. You are a gentle soul with curiosity only George could understand. You sit in em Caf (sometimes with a Starbucks cup), to see and be seen. Inquisitive and interesting, you’re there not for the grub, but for the experience.

Paramount Café
Using Emerson Math, the Paramount is approximately… let’s see… a bazillion blocks away. Anyone who is willing to make the vast exodus to the Paramount Café is willing to go far for good food. These are the foodies you’ll want to hang out with, because when you’re not dining on campus, they’ll be sure to take you out for Boston’s best. With an appreciation for the finer things in life, may that be a Philly Cheese (Wiz) Steak Sandwich or a seven-dollar Smart Water; these folks understand that tasty food is worth the walk. In life, they’ll go out of their way to find the best of the best. They’re driven and motivated and not even a 30-minute walk to the Paramount can get them down.

The Max
“What better to do at 1AM than eat some waffle fries?” If you find yourself chanting this mantra night after night, then The Max is undoubtedly where we’ll find you come 1:05AM. Max-ers are all about comfort. You love convenience and take pleasure in fast food in a cardboard box. Relaxation is key to your laid-back lifestyle and The Max is your dream-come-true for a study break or a late night snack. Your nosh-standards aren’t high (even though you might be), because life’s more about being comfortable and taking it easy.

Lorena Mora is a student at Emerson College currently pursuing a degree in visual & media arts. Other interests include social media, passion tea lemonade, blogging, baby animals, spending the day at IKEA, baking cupcakes, and traveling the East Coast. An avid blogger, lorena has written for such publications as Em magazine, Her campus.com, Cliche Magazine and on her own movie-review blog, The Aftertaste. Lorena currently serves as President and Editor In Chief of the Her Campus Emerson branch.