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What to Expect When You Go Home for Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Despite what the tinny music playing over the speakers in every store you walk into from November 1st tells you, the holidays are, in fact, not necessarily the most wonderful time of the year. Don’t get me wrong – you’re not a Grinch if not every single aspect of the holiday season leaves you grinning. Truthfully, the holidays have some major downsides and we’re all going to feel them, starting with Thanksgiving break. Here’s what to prepare for when entering the Holidays, Round One.

Running into high school classmates

Home is great, except for everyone else who lived there, right? Not to say that you harbor a bitter resentment towards every single person you went to high school with, but let’s face it, it’s never the cute guy that you regret not talking to in your physics class that you run into in CVS. It’s always the people you want to see the least. Remember to dress for the occasion when you leave the house. Large sunglasses are also your best friend. Who cares if it’s raining?

Hearing from fair-weather friends

You know that friend who you only hear from when she’s home and she’s free? Or similarly, that guy you only heard from this summer and never heard from again? Surprise! Guess who’s back and wants to hang out during your few precious days of home cooking and your own bed? Use the short time frame of the break to your advantage. (“Oh, I just have no time…”) Though, good luck on winter break, ladies.

Fielding questions and advice from relatives

Easily the best part of the holidays is seeing family. But, the extended can be a double-edged sword. Sure, it’s nice to have a new audience to “Ooh” and “Ahh” over your stories and gush about how much you’ve grown. The flip side is when they chime in with their two cents, or worse, start questioning you about that boy they saw you tagged in a photo with on Facebook. Just master the art of smile and nod. As frustrating as it can be to hear about how you should switch your major, they mean the best. Enjoy that they take such an interest in your life, even if it means they ask you about every single tweet that you’ve posted since June.

The beginning of Christmas shopping

To quote Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, “You haven’t given me a gift, you’ve given me an obligation.”  This quote perfectly sums up the feeling of holiday shopping. Who do you owe a gift? What should you get them? All these questions come with an onslaught of “Are they going to get me a gift, because if not I’m not going to get them one” guilt. Aren’t the holidays great? To be safe, get a few generic backup gifts to whip out of your pocket if someone gets you a gift unexpectedly. Gift cards generally work well.

Happy Holidays, ladies! Just remember – in some cases, this is the most wonderful time of the year. So don’t grouch over the little things, smile over the big ones. And remember: always carry large sunglasses.

Erin is a junior at Emerson College studying journalism, publishing, and writing. She comes from southeastern Massachusetts and enjoys reading magazines, getting hooked on new TV shows, traveling, and spending time with her dog. Erin hopes to pursue a career in magazine writing. You can follow her on Twitter at @erin_kayata.
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