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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

FaceTimes and phone calls can be a great way to keep in touch, but with everything going on, it’s easy to run out of things to talk about with your friends. Here’s some fun things to do with friends even when you can’t see each other!

Play a game!

There’s tons of virtual games to keep you entertained. Some of my favorites are Psych, a game where you make up answers to questions and try to fool your friends into picking your fake answer instead of the real one, Evil Apples, which is essentially an app version of Cards Against Humanity, and Photo Roulette, which randomly selects photos from each player’s camera rolls and lets everyone guess whose picture it is!

Watch something together!

Quarantine doesn’t have to be the end of movie nights! There’s a bunch of ways to watch stuff with your friends. You can use the chrome extension Netflix Party, the screen share feature on Zoom, or the app Airtime to watch stuff with your friends from each of your respective couches.

In difficult times like these, it’s important to keep connections with friends strong. Reaching out to play a game with a friend can really help with the isolation a lot of people are feeling right now. 

Do whatever works best for you and your friends. If you’re used to having dinner together, have everyone cook a meal at the same time and eat together over Zoom or Group FaceTime. If you’re used to just sitting near each other and watching TikToks, who says that has to stop? Use screen share on Zoom or search for compilations on the Airtime app. Being stuck inside doesn’t mean you have to stick to boring phone calls!

Grace is a sophomore Business of Creative Enterprises student at Emerson College from New York and North Carolina. She’s passionate about theatre, television, writing, and fried chicken.