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A week of service: Apply for Emerson Alternative Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.



As the fall semester approaches the week of finals, it’s time to plan for spring registration. But rather than stressing over which classes to take and what internships to apply for, you should start thinking about your spring break plans. You might be thinking, “Spring break!? Well, that’s a long ways away.” But it’s always good to plan ahead. If you’re not sure of what your spring break looks like, you should consider a week of service through Emerson’s Alternative Spring Break program.

Since its formation in 2007, Emerson students have been planning weeklong service trips to communities within and outside Boston. Each year, students propose trip ideas to the ASB Leadership Team to offer the rest of the Emerson community. The trips are student-led but overseen by two faculty advisors.

Students working at an ASB trip to New Mexico

The program has maintained the tradition of multiple trips with different themes, including a Boston option. With ASB, there is a great experience waiting for everyone. Participants have been able to tear into drywall, serve in soup kitchens, play games with children, and form relationships with varied communities while learning about life in different parts of the country, especially in areas affected by poverty and natural disaster.

This year, ASB is offering four different trips to various locations:

Boston, MA – The Boston trip will focus on Education. Details TBD.

  • Biloxi, MS – In an effort to see the multiple levels of hunger and homelessness that exist, we have chosen a location that differs significantly from our urban community in Boston. Homelessness and hunger issues in rural areas present distinctly different challenges due to a lack of access and resources, including volunteers. Students on this trip will work with Community Collaborations International to volunteer in soup kitchens and homeless shelters in rural Mississippi. Our aim is to help participants better understand issues of urban and rural homelessness, and improve their ability to engage in a discussion of how to fix the problem.
  • El Paso, TX – This trip will provide participants with the opportunity to become immersed in immigration issues. Located in southwest Texas, El Paso is the nation’s largest border city. Given the city’s proximity to Mexico, there is a large population of undocumented immigrants and many organizations that need volunteers to assist in providing support to immigrants and their families. Volunteering in Texas will allow students to witness the issues that arise in an area where a large number of immigrants are undocumented and largely in need of support and services.
  • Nantahala National Park, North Carolina – Nantahala is Cherokee for “Land of the Noonday Sun” and is the largest of the four national forests in North Carolina. This trip will offer students interested in environmental service the opportunity to explore the needs of America’s National Parks. Students will travel to North Carolina to volunteer on the Southern most section of the Appalachian Trail. Participants will engage in activities that include clearing trails, cutting back growth, removing fallen trees, maintenance leveling, and clearing out erosion—all with the help and expertise of members from the Nantahala Appalachian Trail club.

Beyond the service itself, ASB also offers a chance to live, work, and play with a great group of Emerson students. It’s always a fantastic, challenging, and rewarding week that is impossible to forget. Past ASB members have gone on to continue their civic engagement through programs such as Americorps, City Year, Teach For America and Peace corps.

Applications are now available for the 2013 service trips. The deadline to submit is by Noon on Wed, Nov 28th.

To apply, please visit: http://ecampus.emerson.edu/programs

Questions can be directed to asb.emerson@gmail.com


Erin is now a senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA pursuing a degree in Print & Multimedia journalism. Originally from West Orange, New Jersey, Erin enjoys fashion, baking, hiking, traveling, and sharks. She is currently Co-Campus Correspondent of Emerson's Her Campus branch, and recently worked as an Editorial/Web Production intern and freelancer for Details.com at Conde Nast in New York City. Follow her on Twitter @appenzo.