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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

There’s no place like home for the holidays! I would be lying if I didn’t say I was counting down the days until I flew home for winter break. And I’m certainly not the only one! It’s estimated that approximately 107.3 million Americans will travel by plane, train, or car between December 23-January 1. If you’ve had to board a plane recently, you’ve probably noticed the amount of plastic used in food packages and travel-sized bottles alone! Today, I’m going to provide you with some simple tips on how to stay sustainable when you’re traveling this holiday season. 

Get yourself a reusable water bottle.

If you don’t already have a reusable water bottle, what are you doing??? Airports love to charge absolutely ridiculous prices for something as simple as a plastic water bottle, so it’s better to beat the system and have an empty container in your bag ready to refill. I personally love my Camelbak water bottle, but any brand or style will do the job.

Don’t fall for travel-sized toiletries!

I’m just as bad as everyone else: something in me insists I just need to buy the tiny body wash bottle when I see it at CVS. Don’t! It creates unnecessary plastic use, and many times they aren’t recyclable. TSA isn’t too kind to liquids in carry-ons either, so the absolute best thing to do is switch to non-liquid and no-plastic alternatives! Many brands including Lush have shampoo and conditioner bars, and bar soap is available at almost every store that sells general toiletries. Have a favorite conditioner that you can’t live without? Invest in some silicone soft travel bottles!

Bring your own snacks. 

As I previously mentioned, airports love to charge you absolutely ridiculous prices for food that would cost a dollar or two in the outside world. Don’t fall for it! You’re allowed to bring food through security (except liquids), so you might as well utilize this! Bring your snacks from home, you’ll avoid the price and the pesky plastic these foods are wrapped in.

Use public transportation to get to the airport/station/etc.

No matter how you’re traveling home this holiday season, it’s important to consider how you will be getting to the airport or station! Since I live in Boston, it’s so simple for me to use public transportation to get to where I need to go. In addition, it’s also cheaper than having to take an Uber or Lyft to the airport! If you’re still married to the simplicity of using a ride-share app, consider carpooling with your other friends going home that day. It also reduces the cost as well since you can split the fare.

Olivia is a sophomore Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College. At any given moment, you can find her talking about books on her blog, petting dogs in the Boston Common, or impulse buying a plant or two. Ask her what musical she is currently listening to; she's dying to tell you.
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