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Valentine’s Day Makeup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Searching for a festive beauty routine this Valentine’s Day? These make-up tips will have you looking sugary sweet in no time!

Heart Eyes

Hearts just say Valentine’s Day! Consider adding some heart statements to your make-up routine this February. Try a bold heart-shaped lip or a more subdued heart-shaped mark on your cheek.

Rosy Pink

If you’re looking to go a bit more traditional, try opting for pink and orange tones. A deep rose blush, copper eye shadow, and a soft, pink lip make for a festive but classic look.

Icy Blue

Pink not your thing? Not a big Valentine’s Day fan? Go bold with wintry blue eye shadow. Add some clear lip gloss and some serious mascara and you’re ready to go.

Natural Hue

Finally, there’s nothing wrong with celebrating your natural beauty and going au-natural (or almost). Try sticking to the basics this season with some moisturizer and a nude lip.                                                      

Ashley is a senior Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College. She will graduate in December 2016. She loves playing with clothes and make-up, traveling, and drinking way too much coffee. Friends and family, cute animals, (especially her own), and dessert make her happy. 
Emerson contributor