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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

So you’re going to the Castle?  Or Prague?  Or L.A.?  Streamline your packing and still look your best with these tried-and-true tricks.

1. Invest in some space bags

Lay your clothes flat in one, roll out the air, and you’ve got a ton of extra space in your suitcase for souvenirs on the way home. Fair warning: these will reduce space, but not weight. Always weigh your suitcase to avoid overweight baggage fees!

2. Be judicious with accessories

If you pack clothes that go with everything, you only need to bring a couple necklaces, one scarf, and a few pairs of (comfortable) shoes.  If you decide you NEED something else, you can always pick it up when you get there.

3. Make your shoes work for you

To save space, roll your socks – or anything else that fits – up inside the shoes you’ve packed.  If you can, wear your heaviest shoes on the plane to save weight.

4. Pack with layers in mind

Aside from L.A., most study-abroad destinations will have you experiencing a huge range of weather before the semester ends.  Pack those mini dresses, but make sure you bring sweaters to layer with, too.  Remember: fleece-lined tights are a godsend in cold weather.

5. Plastic bags are a lifesaver

Pack your travel-size bottles in a Ziploc before you go through security to minimize hassle.  Keep one on you for weekend trips, too.  When you have to check out of your hostel, but your towel is still wet: throw it in a plastic bag and save your clean clothes.

6. If in Europe, bring a cheap tote bag

Some European grocery stores don’t give you bags at checkout, which will leave you carrying a pile of cereal boxes and granola bars in your arms all the way back to your dorm. 

7. For day trips (once you’re there), keep an extra Ziploc of the essentials

A comb, some gum, some safety pins, aspirin, etc.  This way, you can toss it in your bag and go, and you won’t be stuck digging in the bottom of your purse for your very last bobby pin.

8. Have an amazing trip

With these tips in mind, you’re good to go!

Emerson contributor