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Staff Picks — Skin as white as snow? I think not!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

 The snow has finally started to fall and while walking in a winter wonderland is beautiful and all, it doesn’t do wonders for a collegiette’s skin. Check out the products Her Campus Emerson girls use to keep their skin looking fresh and radiant even while the sun is on hiatus:

      Krista Firkins adores Urban Decay Urban Defense Tinted Moisturizer. This foundation is her pick because it has SPF 20, which is important to look for, even in the winter.

Hannah Try swears by three favorites: Garneier 3-way Ultimate cleanser (exfoliates and doubles as a mask), Neutrogena’s Rapid Clear Treatment Pads (reduce acne fast), and Aveeno’s Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer (SPF 15 and keeps skin from drying out).

      Lorena Mora absolutely loves the coveted Maybelline’s Baby Lips: It smells great, has just the right amount of tint, and the packaging is too cute!

She also recommends Burt’s Bees Richly Replenishing Cocoa + Cupuacu Lotion, which is a tad pricey, but it takes great care of skin that has been through many a hot shower, electric blankets and the house heat cranked way up. And, it smells like coca butter, an added plus!

      Personally, I live by Argan Oil. You can pour a drop or two in your daily moisturizer and it makes your skin look super silky and healthy! Also, it’s great for giving your hair that healthy sheen and it works wonders on acne marks. Argan Oil is the next best thing to the fountain of youth.

      Well, there you have it! This time around, your skin won’t succumb to the harshness of winter. But, you’re on your own when it comes to mustering up the strength to go out and about in this dreary weather.

Lorena Mora is a student at Emerson College currently pursuing a degree in visual & media arts. Other interests include social media, passion tea lemonade, blogging, baby animals, spending the day at IKEA, baking cupcakes, and traveling the East Coast. An avid blogger, lorena has written for such publications as Em magazine, Her campus.com, Cliche Magazine and on her own movie-review blog, The Aftertaste. Lorena currently serves as President and Editor In Chief of the Her Campus Emerson branch.