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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.


The days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter, and the temperature is rising (finally.) Summer is just within reach: beach trips, picnics, and late summer nights on the horizon. So how are we supposed to go to that two o’clock history class? I mean seriously, I have a lot more I’d rather be doing than learning about the creation of the assembly line. But school’s not over yet, and the next few weeks are crucial. Getting through the rest of the semester may seem like a challenge, but with a few helpful hints you’ll see these next few weeks fly by! Tan lines and tropical drinks here we come!


The biggest problem with getting through the rest of the semester is the knowledge that the weather is getting nicer.  No one wants to be cooped up in the library when they could be taking long walks by the harbor! So get out there! Set aside time to let yourself enjoy the outdoors! The more you resist it, the harder it will be to concentrate on that 8am exam you have coming up.


Another thing people tend to do is put things off. Procrastination is not your friend these last few weeks. It may have worked last semester but now you’ve got summer on the brain. You’ve got an essay due next week? Start it now! That way, when next week rolls around you wont have that looming anxiety hanging over your head. And you’ll have more time to enjoy the weather that you have so desperately been craving!


The semester is almost over, and you’ve got 101 things that need to get done. So how about instead of letting yourself be overwhelmed with anything and everything, you make a schedule! Map out your day, your week, heck why not do the rest of the semester? Give yourself something to stick to, something that will keep you occupied! That way you wont have all that free time daydreaming about your summer getaways!


And what better way to occupy your time than setting up a workout schedule?! Alright, alright, we get it. Working out? Sweating? How is that going to help? Well, think about it. Summer is coming, and who doesn’t want to be in shape when that happens? Exactly. Start going on morning jogs, hit the gym, and before you know it, your mind, and your body, will be ready for bikini weather!


But don’t do this alone. Get a friend involved! Stick to it together and keep each other motivated. These next few weeks are going to be rough, there’s no way around it. But if you have a partner in crime through this torture, everything will be ten times easier! Vent it out, whine and complain about that professor that decides to assign all the work in the last week of school, or that group project that nobody is helping you with. Two really is better than one.


These last few weeks don’t have to be too bad. Plan ahead, make a schedule, and give yourself time to enjoy your last few weeks at school with the friends you’ve made. The work will probably be hard and the days will drag on, but if you make the most of these last few week, they’ll be weeks you won’t regret! And they’ll fly by faster than winter break!


Erin is now a senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA pursuing a degree in Print & Multimedia journalism. Originally from West Orange, New Jersey, Erin enjoys fashion, baking, hiking, traveling, and sharks. She is currently Co-Campus Correspondent of Emerson's Her Campus branch, and recently worked as an Editorial/Web Production intern and freelancer for Details.com at Conde Nast in New York City. Follow her on Twitter @appenzo.