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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Moving out of your dorm can seem like a daunting task. You have to pack up your life you’ve condensed into one room all year, you have to say goodbye to all of your friends, and go through a checkout appointment with an RA. Here are 3 tips to help you prepare for move out day:

1. Pack Ahead

Start packing up everything you don’t need or use anymore. Throw out or sell things you don’t need, so that you don’t have to squeeze everything into your suitcases and storage boxes. By getting things packed ahead of time, it will alleviate a lot of pressure to pack in the last few days. 

2. Organize, Organize, Organize

Keep your room organized and try to remember where everything is. Keep your closet in order and your drawers free from clutter. This way, when you go to pack your jewelry or scarves, you’ll have them all in one place and know they’re already together. Efficiency is key here, collegiettes!

3. Stay Calm

Above all, you just need to stay calm before you move out. It’s almost summer, warm weather is right around the corner, and you’re probably heading home to see your family and friends, or off to start a new internship or job. You’ll get all of your belongings out of your dorm and into your car, bus, train, or plane. It will happen and you’ll be so relieved when it’s over.  

Alexandra is a senior at Emerson College studying writing, literature, and publishing.
Emerson contributor