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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.
Name: Pascale Sylla 
Major: Studio television production 
Year: Sophomore ’16
Hobbies: Modeling, going to shows, buying vinyl, listening to music
What are you involved in on campus? WERS: Live mix and Emerson International Society member
What can we expect with your work with these organizations? Over time, I’d like to work on cool sounding mixes with the bands that stop buy because I am in the engineering program. I also have plans to get on the air more often. 
What can we expect from you in the future (project-wise)? You can expect a lot of cool media relating to fashion and music like fashion ads and the Boston music scene. I’m also thinking about working on a Tumblr featuring all of the people that I see that I think look good.
Who or what inspires you? My mom and the DIY mindset. I’ll think of how I can make things happen on my own, how to get things to work with fashion, music, anything. It’s really about having an independent frame of mind. 
Biggest accomplishment so far at Emerson? How I’ve managed to balance good grades with clubs and personal projects. When I get to Emerson, people warned me about making sure I didn’t sign myself up for too many things but I didn’t run into that problem. I signed up for just the right amount of things for me and I was able to keep the right balance, it was hard but doable. 
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Initially, I would like to work on fashion in New York City and then I would like to settle down in Paris with a family, working on radio. 
Dream job? I want a combination of Edith Bowman and Cat Deely’s job: A combination of hosting and radio. 
If you could trade lives with a celebrity for one day, who would it be and why? Beyoncé because I am already convinced that I am here and that I will come back as her in my next life.
Erin is now a senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA pursuing a degree in Print & Multimedia journalism. Originally from West Orange, New Jersey, Erin enjoys fashion, baking, hiking, traveling, and sharks. She is currently Co-Campus Correspondent of Emerson's Her Campus branch, and recently worked as an Editorial/Web Production intern and freelancer for Details.com at Conde Nast in New York City. Follow her on Twitter @appenzo.