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My Tips For Having A Smooth Flight Home For Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

I live a long way from home. And the flight from Boston to Los Angeles, or vice versa, is a long one. Five to six hours on a plane does not do me well (seven hours if there’s any delays). I’d like to think I’ve learned a lot about travelling, so here are my best tips for a smooth day of travel.

Keep electronics and toiletries in your suitcase!

I have made the mistake of keeping my laptop or my makeup bag in my backpack while going through TSA. When it’s my turn to go through, I scramble to take everything out of my backpack and put it in a container to be scanned. On top of taking off my shoes and sweatshirt, having to take out my laptop and toiletries and putting them in separate containers is a hassle. So, I have started to keep those in my suitcase. This way I don’t have to take them out and put them in a container. 

Always carry meds!

Plane rides — especially cross country— can be unpredictable. Also, airplanes can get stuffy and overheated, so I always carry Advil or some other type of pain reliever with me. As someone that always gets headaches on planes, Advil and ibuprofen have become my lifesavers. Picking up a travel-size container of medicine from the drugstore before traveling is worth it. You’re going to need it once those winds hit and turbulence begins.

Buy your drink of choice inside the airport!

Personally, I always think the little cups of water or your drink of choice they give on planes are too small. I like to be able to have something to sip throughout the whole flight if my throat is feeling dry or if I get a headache at some point. So, I always buy water and/or ginger ale (my drink of choice) at the gate. I keep it in my backpack or in the front pocket of my seat so it’s conveniently in my reach throughout the duration of the flight!

Bring makeup wipes in your carry on!

My skin always breaks out after a plane flight. Always. The stuffy, circulated air of an airplane can make my skin feel dry and gross and can cause my skin to breakout even more than it usually does. Thus, I always carry a small packet of makeup wipes with me. Once the plane lands and before I get up out of my seat, I cleanse my face with a quick few swipes of a makeup wipe to refresh my skin a little bit. Though this doesn’t help with preventing the breakouts, it does help my skin to feel less gross!

Have a back up plan for what to do on the plane if your first option fails!

Not everything can go right while travelling, even if you prepare for the worst. But, having a backup plan if your airpods die is always a good idea. I usually have a book (or two) downloaded on the Kindle app. Audio books are always a good idea as well! Open up Google Drive on your phone and get some work done. Sitting in a seat for a long time can drive you a little bit stir crazy, but hopefully finding something other to do than listen to music or watch a movie can help!

Go to the bathroom right before boarding!

Going to the bathroom before getting on a plane is always the best decision I will make while travelling. I strongly dislike airplane bathrooms. They’re stuffy, confining, and bothersome. I also have major anxiety about getting up to go to the bathroom in fear of annoying the people next to me. I always go to the bathroom about five minutes before boarding time so I can get back in time before my boarding group is called.

Already know your plan of action for once you get off the plane!

I map out what I need to do after I get off the plane beforehand. I decide whether public transportation or an Uber is the best way to go. I look online to find out where the rideshare app pick-up/drop-off stop is. I figure out how to take public transportation in whatever city I’m in. Or if I’m home, I make sure my mom is tracking when my flight arrives. Figuring out what you’re doing before you get off the plane can reduce your stress since you have a set plan.

These are only some of the tips I’ve acquired over the years of travelling, and I hope they help you on your next trip! Happy flying!

Seren Cho is a sophomore Media Arts Production major at Emerson College. Having grown up in the suburbs of Los Angeles, Seren is excited to start telling stories in the city of Boston. Be warned: Seren is a nerd through and through, and is most definitely not afraid to show it.
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