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Must Have Carry-On Items

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

1.) A Backpack

First and foremost, you are going to need a killer backpack to use as your carry-on. One of the most important things to keep in mind when choosing your bag is to make sure that it has a zipper to keep all the contents of your bag safe and secure as well as choosing a bag with a multitude of pockets. When you are traveling through airports you need to be able to access your items quickly and efficiently, so it comes in handy to have a designated pocket for all your important items and overall to keep everything organized.

2.) Chapstick

While this may seem unimportant to many people, this is one of the most crucial items to have in your carry-on. Planes get very dry, so it is important to keep your lips moisturized!

3.) Lotion

In the same vein as having Chapstick to keep your lips nice and moisturized, it is also really important to keep you in making sure that you come off the plane with skin as smooth and soft as it was before you took off.

4.) Hand Wipes

We all know how germy and unsanitary the airport can often be. With that being said, having hand wipes is a lifesaver to help keep you protected from any germs you may encounter. An added bonus of hand wipes is that you can also use them to disinfect surfaces, so you can take extra precaution in keeping yourself healthy!

5.) Advil

You never know when that pesky headache is going to creep up on you. By having this on hand, you’ll be able to nip it in the bud right away!

6.) Headphones

When you are traveling and stuck in a confined space for a significant period time, you’re going to want to have some form of entertainment. Headphones are the perfect tool to help you pass the time whether you just listen to some music, watch a downloaded movie or read an eBook.

Now that you know what items you need to have in your carry-on bag you are ready to go. Good luck and bon voyage!

Emerson contributor