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Mike McGinty: Professional Adventurer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Mike McGinty is not your typical Bostonian.

He never spends his Friday nights alone, and he is always looking for a new adventure. After he handed me his business card which stated his name, his title as a “Professional Adventurer” and his contact information, I took Mike up on his offer to take me on an adventure. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. On this particular adventure, I accompanied Mike on his trip to visit his martial arts instructor. By the time I returned to Emerson, I had been trained in basic self-defense, the projection of a flawless fake Irish accent and a unique form of karate know as Wen Chung. Though these series of events may seem random, to Mike they represent a productive way of life, a casual Friday night.

I sat down with Mike to ask him about his adventures and his personal accounts of experiences such as this one.

HCE: When did you first know you wanted to become a “Professional Adventurer?”

MM: I was out with my buddy Sam in the distant lands of Cambridge, on a dragon known as the “Red Line Train.” We were going to a radio show to discuss our adventures on air with two guys from Comedy Central on the Good American WEMF Radio. These guys found us amazing and surprising because of our… mildly interesting choices in what we like to do with our spare time. After that, we began to declare ourselves “Professional Adventurers.”

HCE: What are some of your hobbies?

MM: I like traveling, finding new places, exotic new worlds, adventuring for the most part.

Between the stories he told about his adventures in Tunisia, Mike explained that his main focus nowadays is his hometown of Newton and the great city of Boston, where he attends Emerson College as a Visual Media Arts major. “I was about 10 years old when I decided I wanted to do film. At that age, I tried acting at Emerson College with film makers. Some that I worked with are now pretty successful. One recently created a music video for David Gilmore.”

Though Emerson lacks a martial arts program, this doesn’t stop Mike from continuing his practices of Weng Chun, Gi Quinn Do, and Krav Maga. “I started martial arts at 14 years old. I switched schools and I was getting bullied a lot. When I started training, I got the confidence to go out and go on adventures without having to worry about someone hurting me.”

Mike is continuously working his way up in both the film and martial arts worlds. Emerson, he explained plays a large role in his progressions. “When I came to Emerson, I expected to meet extraordinary people, and to have a good time. I love to go out and meet new people, and I never really stop.” Mike’s elite status in Emerson’s social world is clear. Walking down the street with him is an adventure in itself, watching him interact with almost everyone who walks by. He gains energy from interactions with others. This is why he is well liked by almost everyone, but more importantly, this is why Mike adores adventures.

“It can happen anywhere, at any time, with anyone. You never know when an adventure will arise. You never know what you’re going to find.”

I'm Mel, a hockey playing, musical performing, cat lover from Connecticut. An aspiring broadcast journalist, I hope to post content that captures the essence of emerson, while also encouraging others to make differences within their community.
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