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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Name: Lauren Chhoeng

Major: BA Acting

Year: Freshman

Sign: Pieces


What is something that makes you happy?

            Giggling babies (laughs). When babies giggle I will always be happy! It’s like the cutest thing in the world and they have the biggest cheeks and smiles and it’s so high pitched!! It just never fails. Every time I hear it, I’m always happy.

What is your ultimate goal?

            I want to be able to spread the idea that everyone is special. And to kind of make it be understood that everyone is capable and everyone can help each other. Everyone is….it’s hard to describe it in one word. I just want to spread the thought that everyone is capable of everything if you know what to put your focus on. There is good and bad in everyone, but it’s about (making the choice to let) the good shine through. I really want to understand the things that make people happy and their goals. I want to hear what they have to say and know what their interests are. Just what makes them unique. I don’t like the word unique, though. Because unique is subjective-so what does that mean?! So figuring out what makes a person who they are.

How do you plan to achieve that goal with acting?

            I think it’s more of something you can do in everyday life. If you’re in a work environment, it’s about recognizing that there’s hard work being done everywhere and giving people a break sometimes. For example, (my friend) Andrew asked me on set today, “oh, do you need water?” and that’s not his job. But it doesn’t matter to him who he’s dealing with; he just wants to help everyone out. It’s no one’s duty or job to be looking out for each other; you just do it because you want to and because it’s important to. I want to deal with things that way.

What philosophy do you live by?

            I really believe in loving myself and taking care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. Because I always forget that and I lose myself because of it. The more I forget (to take care of myself) the more I realize how important it is to do that. If I’m taken care of, then I can take of others.

What is your biggest inspiration?

            I’d have to say my family. That includes the people who are really close to me. I believe that sometimes family can just mean anyone that was there for you and supports you and loves you unconditionally. That’s what family does-no matter what you are, who you are-you’ll always be loved. Love is a very huge theme in my life.

What are you working on right now?

A pint of Ben and Jerry’s Mint Chocolate Cookie Ice Cream!!


Future something extraordinaire.
Emerson contributor