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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Regardless of how much I look like a child, I am actually 21 years-old and am completing my junior year of college. Sometimes I can’t even believe it. It’s been a wild ride.

Let’s start from the beginning. I had no idea that I would end up at art school studying fiction. That would be my dream, the one I would mention with a weird smile as if we were all in mutual agreement that I couldn’t do it. I applied to ten colleges in 2016, most of them for Criminal Justice, since that was my “practical choice.” I picked Emerson for Creative Writing and made sure at least a couple other schools had some sort of writing or English department as a fall-back plan.

However, I took a tour of Emerson and fell in love with the campus, or lack thereof. I loved the area of the city and the people I met on my tour, and that stuck with me through my tours of other schools. On December 16, 2016, I got accepted to Emerson and posted on my Instagram: “Over the moon because I got accepted to my top choice college for my top choice major!!!!” One would think that sealed the deal for me, but it did not.

I got into other schools and had a hard time deciding if I wanted to pursue something “risky” or something “practical.” I chose my dream and I am so glad I did.

a hand holds a pen writing on sheets of paper on a wooden desk. there\'s a coffee cup and a notebook in front of it.
Free-Photos | Pixabay

But nothing could have compared me for the culture shock of actually pursuing my dream in a college setting.

The only experiences I had before college with writing classes were one online course and a literary magazine I wrote for in middle school, which is to say, my experience was “none.” The people I met during my freshman year asked me what I had done that summer and I said, “I worked and went on a trip with my family.” It felt like they all responded with: “Cool, I published my second novel and directed a movie.”

There was no way I could compete with that. During freshman year, I had awful roommate issues that were terrifying and at times, I questioned if I was doing the right thing. Clearly, my peers were better writers than me—they had been in for this their whole lives and they had always known what they wanted. I was not cut out for this life.

Over time, I matured. I got better at writing. I realized that we all had things we had to work on and that we are our own worst critics. That doesn’t make people any less obnoxious, but I can stand on my own writing now and know that I made the right choice with my life regardless of what some random kid in a workshop has to say.

We are all on our own journeys, and mine is relevant only to myself. Three years down, and I was delusional to think I could have done anything else with my life. This is where I was meant to be, no matter how long it took me to realize that. 


Olivia is a senior Creative Writing Major from New Hampshire. She loves to ice skate, write novels, and bake, as well as spend time with her elderly rabbit, who is the true star of the show.
Emerson contributor