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How to Survive Your Long (Social) Distance Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Love in the time of corona? It’s more than a cheesy rom-com. If you’re desperate for connection, whether it would be with someone from home or someone new, here’s your guide to distanced relationships.

Have a virtual sit down with your partner when you’re both available and discuss your intentions for the relationship. The key to any relationship, as cliche as it might seem, is communication. Consider the following questions.  

Do you want to continue this relationship?

Whether you’re separated by social distance or real distance, you will want to discuss changes to your relationship. Tell your partner exactly what you want and what you expect and allow them to do the same. You should both be comfortable with each other’s desires before continuing the relationship.

What’s your availability? 

Be sure to tell your partner when you’re busy–maybe even send them a copy of your schedule for reference. Zoom meetings and classes can be draining, so make sure to schedule some time for yourself, too. You may have heard to set up a specific talk time, like calling them at 7 P.M. every Sunday. Though that may work for you, life always gets in the way. I recommend scheduling day by day.

Should you sext each other?

If you keep social distance (as you should), hookups may be hard to organize. Consider virtual sex instead. Firstly, set boundaries to keep yourself comfortable. Any form of virtual sex must be consensual for all parties. Sexting doesn’t have to consist of photos, as you may expect. Dirty tweets or memes or texts can be sent. It can be written or suggested rather than explicit. On the other hand, phone or video calls can be very satisfying as well during your private time (e.g. when your roommate isn’t home). If you or your partner is under the age of 18, eliciting, sending, receiving, and keeping nudes is illegal. Though releasing images or videos without permission, also known as revenge porn, is illegal, be aware that once a compromising photo is sent, the receiver can abuse it.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

How are you feeling?

You should always check in with yourself and your partner. Being emotionally available is vital to a healthy relationship. Communicate your own feelings to them. Obviously, be honest. With all the stress of college combined with corona, it’s understandable if you’re not feeling your best. Your partner will be there for you, as you will be there for them.


You’re asking the important questions but your relationship is more than a list of tasks you’re checking off. Here are a couple of tips to keep the relationship fun.

Let Them Know When You Think Of Them

Whenever I see a delightful little animal in a hat, I immediately send it to my boyfriend. It’s a little reminder that I’m thinking of him. Whatever may remind you of your partner, let them know! It can be as easy as a text or as in-depth as a letter. 

Paul Hanaoka
Paul Hanaoka / Unsplash

Have a Streaming Date

COVID-19 brings innovation: virtual movie dates! Stream from any site with Zoom screen sharing, Netflixparty, Amazon Watch Party, Gaze (for Youtube), or Metastream.

Play Together Online

Whether you’re building together in Minecraft, accusing each other in Among Us, or playing on GamePigeon, you can play with your partner for relatively cheap or free and use minimal bandwidth.


Make Future Plans

When can you two see each other again? Plan out an in-person date for when you two reunite, even if it’s six feet apart. Whether it be a date near campus or back home, the anticipation will keep you going! Once you’re back together, remember to be safe and have fun!