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How to Spend the Summer Without Your College Cutie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Summer time is the time for fun, relaxation, and LOVE. Everyone looks for that summer love, but what if you already have the guy, but he’s a hundred miles away? Well you just entered a long distance relationship. It may feel like the world is crumbling down because you can’t go to the beach or grab an ice cream cone with them in July, but here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re depressed about the summertime separation. 

1. Summer is only 3 months 

Don’t stress too much. Summer is only 3 months long. It will go by so quickly that you may even forget that he’s not even there.

2. More time with parents 

This could be a good or bad thing, but you only have a few months with your parents without having Christmas, or Thanksgiving getting in the way of real family time. So enjoy family dinner, odds are you’ll miss it someday. 

3. Girl time 

Girl time is the best time. All those nights you would have spent with him, you can now spend with your best girl friends watching rom coms and eating a whole tub of ice cream. You know you’ve missed that. 

4. Skype 

Skype is always an option. It doesn’t the change the fact that he isn’t there, but at least you can see and hear his voice every once in a while to remember why you like him so much. 

5. More time to work


Without the pressure of trying to coordinate both of your work schedules for hanging out, now you have time to work, make some money, and maybe further your career in a really positive way. 

6. Saving Money 

With no beach trips every weekend or the daily date at the diner, money isn’t that tight anymore. You may be really sad that you aren’t with him, but your wallet won’t be. 

7. Vacations

Vacations are just another time you would have to say goodbye to your significant other over the summer. If he isn’t even there in the first place, this eliminates that problem.

8. No pressure

There is no pressure to look flawless every time you step out the door. Go weeks without make up. Don’t straighten your hair, let it run wild. Who are you trying to impress?

9. You have time to possibly visit each other

Since classes are no longer a thing, it’s a lot easier to actually visit each other and enjoy your time together. So hop in the car and go for it. He doesn’t have an exam to cram for the next day!

10. Your reunion will be that much sweeter

When those 3 months are up and you finally get to see each other every day, it will make you forget all those lonely nights and missed summer dates. Nothing is better than that. 

I am a Writing, literature, and Publishing Major. I love Netflix, food, and sleep. College lets me experience all 3 of my favorite things simultaneously.
Emerson contributor