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Here’s Why Georgia Nott’s of Broods New Project is Exciting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Georgia Nott is one half of the sibling duo, Broods. I’ve personally been obsessed with their music ever since I heard them a year and a half ago. If you’re curious about their music, you can find some of my song recommendations here.

Both Georgia and her brother, Caleb, are working on personal projects (but they’ll still be working on Broods in the future, don’t worry). Around mid-January Georgia announced her new project through an article with Harper’s Bazaar, her solo album: The Venus Project.

Here’s why this is actually amazing: this album is a collaboration made completely by women, from vocals to mastering; from engineering to illustrations. This project is a reflection of Georgia’s own experience in the music industry. Whenever she has worked with another woman in the industry she found herself feeling excited and surprised, and then frustrated that she was surprised by the presence of another woman. According to her aforementioned interview with Harper’s Bazaar, his album also gives Nott the chance to share previously unreleased music that may not have fit in with the sound of Broods.

Some of the members of women behind The Venus Project. Source: Instagram

Nott hopes that this project will extend beyond her album, and that other curators will extend on the project, and bring in other genres, and more music that they believe express them as women. In relation to this current collaboration in particular, Nott hopes that this year she’ll be able to perform these songs with an all-women crew.

So when will this awesome album be making its way into the world? The album will be released this year on March 8, International Women’s Day! (I don’t think I could ask for a more perfect way to celebrate that day.) The first single from the album, “Won’t Hurt,” has already been released, and you can listen to it here. If you want to listen to the song while watching a beautiful slideshow of pictures from the Women’s March, the fan account on YouTube, Broods México has you covered, and you can watch that here.

Senior at Emerson College. WLP: Publishing major. Double minoring in Latin American and Latinx Studies, and Marketing Communications. Aspiring managing editor. Bookworm (especially when it comes to YA). Disney Geek. Ravenclaw.
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