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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

If you’re new to Boston like I am, or even if you’re just looking for something to do, the city has a bunch of free college events coming up. Since the weather is nice right now, there is even more of a reason to go outside and explore. Here are some upcoming events to look forward to in the following months. 


Boston Idealist Grad Fair

September 23, 5-8pm

Boston University George Sherman Union

775 Commonwealth Ave

Boston, MA 02215


Welcome to Boston Night

September 26, 6-8pm

New to Boston? Come meet other women for an evening of socializing with other students and young professionals who are also new to the area! Open to all who identify as women.


Courtyard Marriot

277 Tremont St


Go Global Expo

September 28, 11am-5pm

If you’re thinking about studying abroad during your time in college, you should definitely attend the Go Global Expo. Whether you are considering going abroad to live, work, volunteer or study, there are opportunities for you here.
Emerson contributor