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Finals Week: The Light’s at the End of the Tunnel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.
Finals week is right around the corner, and it’s safe to say we’re all harboring at least a little bit of stress. Here’s the good (and perhaps shocking) news: It doesn’t last forever. It’s just one week, then it’s over, and your summer begins. Stay organized and keep calm with these tips from Her Campus Emerson contributors, and with luck, the light at the end of the tunnel will get brighter and brighter.

“Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I shut down my laptop, put on my shoes, and head outdoors. My roommates used to joke that I’m like a little puppy. ‘You constantly need to be walked,’ they would say. But it’s true. Fresh air and a bit of sunshine does wonders for my mood. After my stroll around the block and a few deep breaths, I feel like I can conquer my papers, finals, whatever. After all, the sooner I finish everything, the sooner I can be outside again.”
Lauren Landry // Senior // Writing, Literature & Publishing

“I have a mantra: ‘It’ll all get done.’ Around finals time, just getting everything on your plate donemaking sure your paper answered each question on the assignment sheetis half the battle. I prioritize and conquer each item on my to-do list until each one is well-done and checked off. If I can’t think straight at 1 a.m., I go to sleep and wake up early, slightly refreshed and ready to finish whatever I was working on.”
Shana Wickett // Senior // Print & Multimedia Journalism

“I always plan a fun activity to look forward to the day after finals. Knowing I will get to see or do something really special in just a few days’ time gives me the motivation I need to power through the week. It also helps me realize that my stress and sleep deprivation has an endpoint. In fact, a mere week is really inconsequential in the grand scheme of things!”
Nikki Fig // Senior // Broadcast Journalism

“I relieve stress by going for runs. With warm weather and beautiful spring flowers blooming all around, it’s the perfect way for me to get away from the books and dimly-lit library rooms!”
Marissa Ericson // Junior // Writing, Literature & Publishing

“Legal pads and sticky notes are my life savers during finals week, or any time of real stress. I need to rewrite everything that I know has to get done because rewriting it engrains it into my head, and seeing it on paper is my call to action to cross it off as soon as possible.”
Larissa Green // Senior // Writing, Literature & Publishing

“I catch up on my shows! After midterms were over, I realized I hadn’t seen ‘30 Rock’ in over a month. Taking a break for a mini-TV marathon is always my favorite way to de-stress, and it’s sometimes inspiring if I’m stuck on a paper or script for class.”
Lorena // Junior // Writing for Film & TV

“When I’m stressed during finals I take a walk through the Public Garden to clear my head. Even if it’s cold out, I throw on a coat, put on a relaxing playlist, and give myself even just fifteen minutes to mellow out.”
Michelle King // Sophomore // Writing, Literature & Publishing

“Movies are my greatest stress-relievers. I am fortunate enough to know somebody that works at the nearby AMC Loews Theatre, and when we have the time, we like to catch some free movies. We did that a lot together during midterms, and it was nice to take some time off from thinking about exams and papers. I also use it to quiz myself: If after seeing the movie I am able to remember all of the information I studied beforehand, then I know I am prepared for the test.”
Corey Catanese // Freshman // Marketing Communication

Shana Wickett is a senior Print & Multimedia Journalism major at Emerson College with minors in Leadership & Management and Publishing. She is co-web director for Emerson's lifestyle magazine and a social media intern at Children's Hospital Boston. She previously was a city desk co-op at The Boston Globe and a news intern at The New Haven Register and Hersam Acorn Newspapers in Connecticut. She enjoys drinking too many macchiatos, singing loudly when no one's listening, dancing whenever possible, and learning how to cook a mean tomato sauce (slowly but surely). After graduating in May, Shana would love to manage and write web content for a company in Massachusetts or Connecticut, where her family lives.