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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

When it comes to dressing for holidays, it can be hard to walk the fine line between spirited and flat-out corny. This especially rings true for Halloween. With its garish color scheme and over the top costumes, it can be hard to find outfits that channel your holiday spirit, but don’t make you look like a very festive grandma (cute for her, not so much for you). We’ve compiled some of the best Halloween looks that are more chic than shriek for you!

These tights are definitely eye-popping in a good way. They let you show off your spirited side in a way that’s gruesome, not grandma-esque.

Ideal for lighter hair colors, these bows will make people look twice. Bats or just bows? Only you will ever know!

These pants are definitely more cheeky than childish. They’re subtle, but just enough to give your outfit a little shock value, which is perfect for Halloween. They’re part of Modcloth’s Halloween-inspired collection, which is definitely worth a look for more holiday ensembles.

Aeropostale has totally updated their look since you last shopped there in middle school, so they’re quite worthy of your Halloween wardroe. This sweatshirt could double as a Valentine’s Day look as well!

When all else fails, take a cue from Morticia Addams and go with basic black. Black lace gives the perfect cobweb feel.

Erin is a junior at Emerson College studying journalism, publishing, and writing. She comes from southeastern Massachusetts and enjoys reading magazines, getting hooked on new TV shows, traveling, and spending time with her dog. Erin hopes to pursue a career in magazine writing. You can follow her on Twitter at @erin_kayata.
Emerson contributor