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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Name: Emily Wald

Major: BFA Film Production

Year: Junior, Class of 2015

Hobbies: Photography and Figure Skating

What are you involved in on campus? Vice President of the Class of 2015, Vice President of the National Broadcasting Society, Business/Stage Manager of the 2014 Emerson Recognition & Achievement Awards, Freshman Class Council Facilitator for Fall 2013, Active Sister of Zeta Phi Eta

What can we expect with your work with these organizations? Through these organizations, I work to unite Emersonians through experiences that will further their academic, professional and personal goals.

What can we expect from you in the future (project wise)? I am curretly beginning pre-production on my BFA thesis film, which will be shooting this summer.

Who or what inspires you? Without sounding too cliche, it is the people that I surround myself with that inspire me the most. Whenever I get to talk to someone about an exciting project they are doing, I cannot help but get excited about my own work at the same time.

Biggest accomplishment so far at Emerson? My biggest accomplishment at Emerson so far would have to be becoming the Facilitator for Fall 2013’s Freshman Class Council. Having participated in this program my freshman year, it was an honor to be selected as the new facilitator and essentially brought my Emerson career full circle.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? It is hard for me to say exactly where I see myself in ten years, but I would like to think that I will be regularly working within the producing realm of the film industry.

Dream job? My deam job would be owning my own production company and being able to regularly produce content through it.

If you could trade lives with a celebrity for one day, who would it be and why? I would love to switch lives with Kathleen Kennedy, legendary producer and President of Lucas Films, ltd. I think it would be an amazing experience to go through a day in the life of such a prominent leader within the industry and catch a glimpse into her career.

Emerson contributor