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DIY Trend: Color Blocking

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

If there were a single phrase to sum up fashion this fall, that phrase would be color blocking. We have seen the separation of bold colors in shoes, jewelry, clutches, and in the combination of brightly colored pieces of clothing.
The sudden pervasiveness of color blocking was practically begging for a DIY!
So, I grabbed some spray paint, a couple bracelets in desperate need of a makeover, and created my own interpretation of the trend. It’s super simple and affordable for any Collegiette, so get spraying!

What You’ll Need:
Bracelets (or any metal/beaded jewelry)
Non-toxic spray paint

In a well-ventilated area (preferably outside), lay out the jewelry on a piece of paper so that you don’t get the paint on the ground.

Hold the can about eight inches away from the jewelry and spray in short, even spurts. It is better to spray the jewelry in several thin coats than one thick coat. This will distribute the paint evenly to make a smoother finish.

If there are any gems or jewels that you don’t want to be colored, cover them completely with tape before spraying.

And you’re done!

Lorena Mora is a student at Emerson College currently pursuing a degree in visual & media arts. Other interests include social media, passion tea lemonade, blogging, baby animals, spending the day at IKEA, baking cupcakes, and traveling the East Coast. An avid blogger, lorena has written for such publications as Em magazine, Her campus.com, Cliche Magazine and on her own movie-review blog, The Aftertaste. Lorena currently serves as President and Editor In Chief of the Her Campus Emerson branch.