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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Name: Ambavi Longe

Major: BA Film production

Year: 2016

Hobbies: Dancing, photo-editing, reading, writing, painting

What are you involved in on campus? Nothing yet actually. Lol. But I would love to start an African dance club. But i’m a bit shy, and also not sure if I’m good enough at it. 

What can we expect with your work with these organizations? Nothing too advanced in terms of choreography but hopefully entertaining. I only just took a serious approach to dancing recently and am yet to discover if I have what it takes since I haven’t yet sought any feedback on it.

What can we expect from you in the future (project wise)? I have been working on a book for a while, so I want to finish it and get it published.

Who or what inspires you? This honestly isn’t cliche, but my mom. She always tells me to keep going and her life certainly leads by example. She’s been my number-1 fan for everything I have ever taken interest in. Also, people who love life inspire me. That’s one thing I want to learn to do. I want to know how to appreciate and explore life to the fullest

Biggest accomplishment so far at Emerson? I think just getting accustomed to and loving it is a huge accomplishment in itself. Being so far from home and not having a lot of an African community in the school made my first year difficult. I experienced some degree of loneliness and a bit of a culture shock even though I have been watching American television since I can remember! But I have since learned and am still learning to remove the walls that categorize nationality, even race, and many other unnecessary hang-ups. Im learning that as long as there are people at Emerson, there are friends to be made!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I see myself making movies in the Nigerian Movie industry Nollywood. I definitely want to have some kids and by then I might have popped one or two out. Lol. Also, Im hoping I’ll be very involved in positive changes in my country. That’s very important to me too

Dream job? I have a short passion-span. What I mean by that is that I have had so many hobbies in my life and I’m always very passionate about all of them, then I lose interest and move to something else. Making a steady income requires that I elevate at maximum two passions above the rest as my career. So i guess my dream job is one that I never lose interest in. I think it will be Film obviously, because that’s my passion now. I hope it will be, but only time will tell.



Erin is now a senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA pursuing a degree in Print & Multimedia journalism. Originally from West Orange, New Jersey, Erin enjoys fashion, baking, hiking, traveling, and sharks. She is currently Co-Campus Correspondent of Emerson's Her Campus branch, and recently worked as an Editorial/Web Production intern and freelancer for Details.com at Conde Nast in New York City. Follow her on Twitter @appenzo.