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6 Times Kourtney Kardashian Said Exactly What We Were Thinking

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

She’s witty, honest and has that monotone voice we all know and love. Kourtney Kardashian wins the award for the Kardashian who always says it like it is. Below are just few things the oldest Kardahsian said that we wish we had.


We’ve all been there. There’s always going to be that person in your life that drives you crazy. Now, just tell them how they are.


All hail Queen Kourtney! She is back in the game.


You said it, Kourtney. We’ll be loners together.


Who has time to talk on the phone anymore? Especially when it’s your mom talking your ear off.


When you see that your parents added more money to your bank account. We see you, Kourtney.


That moment she said what we were all thinking during season one of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Kim has the worst crying face. In the true words of Kourtney, that is not cute.

We hate them and we love them, but one thing is for sure; Kourtney Kardashian knows exactly how to keep it real.

Emerson contributor