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5 Ways to Use Coffee (Besides Drinking It)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

OK, so you love drinking coffee. I don’t blame you. Coffee is awesome! Its bold, yet palatable taste gets me through every day, as it likely does for you. But did you also know you can use it for so much more than just consumption? Whether you have heard of this or not, you’re in for a real treat. Here are some ways you can use coffee besides your daily cup.


For your hair

Looking for shinier, perhaps slightly darker hair? Coffee is the perfect solution for you. EcoSalon says that coffee can make your hair shinier, and can also act as a temporary hair dye.


As facial exfoliant

According to Reader’s Digest, coffee can help you exfoliate. The gritty, yet gentle grinds work very well for effectively getting rid of dead skin. When you think you have exfoliated adequately, make sure to wash your face. Even though there is nothing better than the smell of a freshly brewed cup of coffee, you don’t want to smell like old wet coffee grounds, regardless of your love of the drink. Besides, I’m sure you’ll want to feel how smooth your skin is––all thanks to coffee.


To fertilize plants

If you keep plants in your dorm or apartment, then this use of coffee is perfect for you. Plants soak up the nitrogen, acids, phosphorous and minerals from the grounds. It’s pretty clear the grounds provide necessary nutrition, which give it a much longer lifespan compared to the typical cup of water a day. But fertilize moderately, Reader’s Digest says––if you use too much coffee, the soil can become acidic. And you don’t want that.  


To eliminate refrigerator smell

Ew, do you still smell that leftover food from last week? If you put some coffee in a small bag and leave it in the fridge, this problem may be fixed quickly and easily without much work. Coffee absorbs the unwelcome odors that may be lingering in your refrigerator, replacing them with its irresistibly bold scent.


To take out scratches in furniture

EcoSalon also says that coffee can be used to clean furniture. You may be thinking, “Wait a second, can I use it on my white upholstered chair?” No, not exactly, but you can certainly use it on your wooden table. If you mix it with hot water and rub it against the scratched area, the scratch will blend in with the rest of the wood.

Even if you don’t love the taste of coffee, there are so many other uses for it. But if you do, then it is always good to know that something you love has both practical and versatile uses, giving you a few more reasons to love it.

Charlotty Herman is a freshman journalism student at Emerson College. She was an editor on her high school's yearbook staff and over the summer, she had an internship with the Reboot Fellows. As well as journalism, she is passionate about the Spanish language, which she has been taking for seven years now. She loves Boston, and when not in class, she enjoys creative writing, fashion, and drinking coffee.
Emerson contributor