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5 Things You Love About Going to School Out of State

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.


1. There’s almost always something new to do

Unlike at home where you’ve done the same thing 49548578 times, when you’re going to college out of state, you’re almost guaranteed to find somewhere new to go, an interesting place to eat, or some event you’ve never heard of when you’re looking for something to do on a Saturday.

2. You have new vacation spots (and free places to stay)

One of the perks about going to school out of state is that you’re surrounded by new people from other places. So if you have friends at your new school who you want to come home with you during spring break, you might wrack up some new places to visit during the summer, and if you’re staying at your friends’ homes, even better!

3. The people you love back home are always hyping you

It may surprise you to find out how many people you have in your corner when you leave home for college. Your friends and family will always love and comment on your pics and there’s a really good chance that they’ll be bragging about you to others. Even if you’re not seeing them as much in person, you know they’re just a phone call or text away if you ever need some support from back home!

4. You have an instant connection with people from your home city/state

Whenever you find someone from your home state it’s a fun way to click with someone, and if you find someone from the same city as you, you’ll probably both be trying to contain the mutual excitement as you talk about where you both went to high-school, your favorite places to go when you’re back home, and how different (or similar) where you came from is from where you are.

5. You always have something to talk about when you’re catching up with people

There’s nothing worse than meeting up with someone and not having anything interesting in mind to talk about. If you’re going to school out of state and you’re meeting up with people while you’re home, they’ll probably be hoping that you’ll talk all about your school, the city you’re in, and what you do in you do whenever you have free time. Even if you have to repeat the same answers over and over again to different people, at least you know you have a built-in conversation starter!


Senior at Emerson College. WLP: Publishing major. Double minoring in Latin American and Latinx Studies, and Marketing Communications. Aspiring managing editor. Bookworm (especially when it comes to YA). Disney Geek. Ravenclaw.
Emerson contributor