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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

“Pumpkin spice” signs are already plastered on every coffee shop window, and pumpkin-scented candles are the most readily available. But what happened to the good old apple? Apple pie is a classic American favorite and the smell of apple and cinnamon together is just as heavenly as pumpkin spice! Sure, some may say apples are a fruit, but pumpkins are vegetables! It’s time we take back September as a month dedicated to the apple. Pumpkin, you can take a seat and wait for October. We love you, but you’ve peaked too early this year. Here are five delicious and easy recipes involving apple only (we promise, no pumpkin!) that you can whip up in your dorm or apartment this fall. 

1. Caramel Apple Pie (with Snickers!)

Can you say “yum?”

2. Apple Pie Parfaits

Parfait means perfect in French.

3. Caramel Apple Puppy Chow

The most seasonally appropriate puppy chow!

4. Apple “Cookies”

Healthy can also be delicious.

5. Caramel Apple Cheesecakes

Caramel and Apple sittin’ in a… Mason Jar.

Which recipe will you try first, collegiettes?

Alexandra is a senior at Emerson College studying writing, literature, and publishing.
Emerson contributor