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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Do you ever feel like you don’t want to spend countless hours deciding on an outfit you want to pop off in for the day? Do you wish you could just roll out of bed and show up to class not looking like a zombie from your shoulders down? Have no fear—here are four simple outfits you can throw on using your most comfortable bottoms—no buttons, zippers, or belts included.

The Monochromatic Look (preferably in black)

I don’t know about you, but there’s something about a monochromatic look that looks so sleek, put-together, and effortless! Black is (in my opinion) the best color for a monochromatic look because it is suited to work with every skin tone and hair color, or in other words, color neutrality! There are many ways to go about this, but a simple outfit to get you started is a pair of black sweatpants, a black shirt (cropped or not cropped), and a statement black jacket (like a hoodie or a leather jacket). Throw on a pair of comfortable pair of shoes from  Adidas or Vans, and you are good to go!

Dapper in Denim

A regular shirt and a pair of sweatpants looks effortless. Once you throw on a denim jacket, though, it’s effortless and stylish! Adding a denim jacket to an outfit with sweatpants can make you appear laid-back, but it also makes you look like you put a lot of time and consideration into your outfit! I suggest visiting thrift stores to find a good oversized jean jacket if you want to avoid pricey places. Add this wardrobe staple the next time you are out running errands or going to class—bonus points if you add a baseball cap: casual and chic!

Crop it Like it’s Hot

Cropped shirts can create many different looks with sweatpants, and the best part is that it’s up to you to choose! Cropped t-shirts add so much to the “athleisure” look and can seriously make you look and feel like a badass! For cropped sweaters and sweatshirts, it can totally make your outfit look cozy yet effortless! Whatever top you decide on changes/dresses up/switches up your sweatpants ensemble from “ready to hit the hay” to “ready to slay the day!”

A Pop of Color

While this can be tied to the other three outfit options, something as simple as a pop of color can transform your entire outfit. Since most sweatpants are either black or grey, pretty much any color works for your ensemble! Some ideas you can take into consideration are a statement jacket or some colorful shoes. You can even throw in something as simple as a bright scrunchie or headband—any way you decide to piece together your outfit, your fashion sense will be off the charts and change the sweatpants game forever.

Marieska Luzada is a sophomore at Emerson College at Boston, MA majoring in journalism and minoring in publishing. Besides writing for HerCampus, you can find her drafting an a capella arrangement, drinking an iced matcha latte, reading a young adult contemporary, or listening to Studio Ghibli movie soundtracks.
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