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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Guys can be tricky to decipher. Whether they genuinely want to get to know you, or they just want to get to know you in another sense can be tricky to figure out. The last thing us girls want is to get hurt, or think that someone is genuinely interested when they really just want one thing. Below are a few signs to keep an eye out for when a guy just wants to potentially hook up.

1. He’s a constant presence on your social media

If you see an influx of a particular person liking your Instagrams, or favoring your retweets, keep your eyes wide open. Many times, guys will start to like every single photo you post or every single retweet on Twitter. Maybe they genuinely like the things you post on social media, but if they are half of your notifications, prepare for a DM of some sort.

2.  He direct messages you

He most likely will not have your number, so direct message will be the next best thing. A Facebook message is too sophisticated for this kind of rendezvous. He’ll want to chat, throw out some flirty innuendos, and want to get to know you. You may think that he is interested, but don’t jump the gun! A genuinely interested guy will take their time and talk to you not only over text message, but also in person.

3. He suggests a movie night

This is a sign to take with absolute caution! Movie nights are great, but we all know that a movie night won’t actually be a movie night at all. It’s an excuse to get close and cuddle. You will feel so comfortable and like he actually cares and is really interested. However, he will use his quick charm to kiss you and the rest will be up to you. If a guy is genuinely interested, he will want to take you out on a real date and show you what kind of man he really is. 

Hookups aren’t for everyone, but on the other hand, some people enjoy them. Do whatever you feel most comfortable with. The important thing is to know the signs and be smart about every situation. If you do not want to hook up, be vocal and stand you ground. We all have morals and values we live by, and it’s important to stick to them and do you! Be young, have fun and keep an eye out for these signs.

Emerson contributor