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V-Day Ideas For The Single AND Taken!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Valentine’s Day brings about thoughts of love, candy hearts that say “Be Mine,” and cherubs shooting arrows into unsuspecting couples. For those who are in a relationship, it is a romantic day that is full of spending time with one of the most important people in our lives. But for those of us who are single on a day usually reserved for couples, it can be a frustrating day. Thankfully, It doesn’t have to be this way! There are many things for those who are single to do, as well as for those who have dates.
 As a single gal for about 5 years, I can safely say that there are many fun alternatives to spending the day moping about being single. Gather your girlfriends and listen in, because here comes some fun ideas!

1. A Date With Ben…and Jerry: Sure it seems overdone, but having an ice cream social with the girls and two supporting men like Ben & Jerry? How can a girl go wrong? Invite some friends over, watch some movies and play Apples to Apples. Taking a break from the game, see who can come up with the best ice cream design, and enjoy the delicious date!

2. Tea for Two…or more!: Another great idea for a different place to go for Valentine’s Day is a tea room! Gather the girls and spend an afternoon sipping tea, or take your man out to a tearoom to spend a romantic afternoon together. Either way, it is a lot of fun, and an underappreciated venue for a nice afternoon.  There’s a cute one in Wake Forest, called the Olde English Tea Room. 

3. Go Out on the Town:   If you are not into the clubbing scene, there are plenty of other cool options to check out on Valentine’s Day! Grab some friends and head to a comedy club, like Idiot Box in Greensboro! A fun night full of laughter and friends is the perfect way to spend Feb. 14th!

4. “Vagina Monologues”: Last Year, Elon performed “The Vagina Monologues” to benefit Cross Roads women’s shelter in Burlington. This year, they are back with a capital V! Enjoy two (FREE!) performances of the Monologues in Yeager Recital Hall, and be ready to laugh, cry and have a wonderful night! Couples should go too! Many guys who went last year really appreciated the different perspective on girls, and it may be just the thing for a unique date!

For those lucky girls who have someone to spend a romantic Valentine’s Day with, there are many date ideas that come to mind. Sure the classic dinner with candlelight is romantic, but can’t it get a bit boring after a while? Not only can you also do the things suggested for singles, but you also can try these fun alternative dates instead!

1. Forget a crowd, Four’s Company!: Grab another couple you two get along with, and plan a day! Go for a stroll around a town you have not explored and find something cool and unique to do there. You may find a new favorite restaurant, or a perfect spot for a picnic!

2. Music, Music, Music: Looking for something different? Try to see if a local music venue is playing any bands you both like, or try out a new band you haven’t heard of! There are plenty of venues in the Triad, so something might strike your fancy! And if that doesn’t work, Triad Stage has an act called “Tonight You Belong To Me” (Romantic, right?)  It’s a cabaret night in an intimate setting that costs only $20!  

3. And They’re Off!: Know another couple looking for something to do on the 14th? Have them design a scavenger hunt for both of you to complete, and do the same for them. Arm yourselves with disposable cameras and have your photos developed at a pharmacy in an hour!
Though planning dates for Valentine’s Day may seem daunting, it can be a lot of fun if you let your imagination go and just enjoy spending time with your date! And if you’re single, don’t feel bad! You now have some awesome ideas for fun things to do on V-Day! 

Photo Sources:
Phish Food

Avery is a sophomore at Elon University majoring in Print Journalism. She's involved with the yearbook, Phi Psi Cli, and the newspaper, The Pendulum, as well as a four year honors program called Leadership Fellows, and is also a member of Alpha Xi Delta, Theta Nu Chapter. Born and raised at the real Jersey Shore, she loves the beach, traveling, writing, running, and shopping. She recently studied abroad in Costa Rica for January Term, and hopes to go abroad for a semester in the fall of 2011. She hopes to move to Manhattan after she graduates and work for a women's magazine. Avery is excited to have the chance to bring Her Campus to Elon University.