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Trendsetting with Your Dad’s Old Jeans

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Pinterest and other social networking sites have offered new ways to dress up your boring jean shorts. I have always found it hard to pick out jean shorts that fit me perfectly, are the right color and wash and will last me a long time before I grow out of them. Thankfully, there are new ideas online that will help you transform your jean shorts into a work of art. 

Take an old pair of your jeans such as your Dad’s jeans, or buy a pair of jeans that you can play around with. Buy accessories that will dress up your jeans, such as gems, glitter, fabric, spikes or bleach. With the right scissors, glue and tools you can transform your dad’s jeans into the most fashionable pair of shorts you have ever owned.
These jean shorts will allow you to feel trendy and accomplished because you made them yourself. There are many websites and instructions online that will guide you through the process of decorating your own pair of shorts. You don’t have to be a fashion designer to transform your denim into a fashion statement.


My name is Tatum Pederson and I am a senior at Elon University majoring in Journalism and minoring in Digital Art. I am currently Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Elon and I am an Entertainment Editor for Elon University’s magazine, The Edge. This summer, I was an Entertainment Intern at Niche Media in New York City. I learned how to transcribe interviews, assist at photo shoots, and conduct research on various entertainment topics. Last year, I was an Art and Editorial Intern at ELLE Decor magazine. At this internship, I worked closely with the Editor-in-Chief, Michael Boodro. I edited a “Behind The Scenes” video for the September 2014 Online Shopping section and was also published in the October 2014 issue. Two summers ago, I was an Entertainment Intern for Pink and Black magazine. I researched and wrote numerous articles involving media and entertainment. I am an extremely organized and creative student with experience in both a fast-paced environment and the magazine industry.