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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

It’s that time of year again! Let the Christmas shopping, holiday parties, and festive cheer begin. Although finals are creeping up on us, take a moment to enjoy the spirit of the holiday season with your friends at school. Whether you are cooking, shopping for friends and family, or organizing a gift exchange, bringing everyone together is so special, especially as a break from studying. Here is a 5-part guide that will help you plan this December!

1. Secret Santa

Get all of your close friends and/or roommates together to organize a Secret Santa gift exchange. Pick a price limit and be creative!

2. Decorate

Brighten up your living spaces with lights and decorations. If you can get a small tree, go for it! Spreading the cheer throughout your home will get everyone in the holiday mood.

3. Get creative in the kitchen

There is nothing better than baking during the holiday season. Find your favorite recipes and started. This goes for fun homemade dinners, too!

4. Holiday brunch and gingerbread decorating

As break approaches, it is important to gather all of your friends together before everyone leaves. On a Saturday or Sunday, organize a brunch full of yummy treats, like gingerbread houses, to celebrate!

5. 25 days of Christmas

Tune in to Freeform, formerly known as ABC family, for their 25 Days of Christmas movie marathon. All your childhood favorites are guaranteed to be on at some point this month!

Enjoy these next few weeks with your friends and get into the holiday spirit. This is the best time of year for a reason! Enjoy it! 

Allie Keigher Elon University Class of 2019 Greenwich, CT Communication Design major and Digital Art minor