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The New Craze-Pinterest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get ideas from the web and somehow be able to save them so that you don’t forget? And while you are saving them it would be great to be able to organize the stuff you find into categories, sort of like a filing system, right?
Well in March of 2010 Cold Brew Labs, who now manages Pinterest, thought that they had a potential solution to these questions and this would soon become known as Pinterest.
Ranging from recipes to styles to quotes, Pinterest has everything. While you are searching for a cute pair of shoes on the web you can sign onto Pinterest for free and see what kind of styles your friends and followers are looking at it. It is a new way to see what others are doing.

Pinterest allows you to join for free and then create different “pin boards” which allow you to add things to them according to category. For example, if you want a pin board that is all recipes that you have “pinned”, then you can create a specific pin board and only “pin” recipes in that folder. Pinterest has created this sort of as a filing cabinet. You have your specific categories.
When you first join Pinterest you already have some pin boards that are made for you but if you choose to you can change, delete, and add more. This has become the new site that people logon to when they open their browsers.           
Once you are on it you become hooked and soon your creativity can either suddenly hit an all time high because you see all the things you want to make and do or you suddenly begin loosing your unique creativity and begin copying what is on the site. Either way that it happens to you, you are creating.

Not only can you see what others are “pinning” and looking at but you can “repin” these and add them to your boards, it is like sharing ideas. And another feature of Pinterest is you can comment on different pins. Pinterest allows you to become a member through Facebook and has an option to let your pins pop up on your Facebook.
Not only does it have a similar comment feature as Facebook, but it also has a “like” feature. You can simply click like if you want the person you repinned to know that you “like” it!
Pinterest has been rapidly increasing in popularity and has only been on the web for a year and a half now. If this form of social networking has become so popular in less than two years we can only imagine how popular it will be in a few more years.
One person got it and told his/her friend about it then it went on and on and now we have everyone pinning! Pinterest has been the thing to do and to talk about. Some of the most popular pins are in categories such as food and crafts. I know specifically for girls crafting and style seem to be the largest and possibly their weddings that they will have one day.
One thing that girls, specifically, love to do is plan their future weddings on Pinterest. This allows for the girls to have their ultimate wedding.
Pinterest has become something that everyone signs on every day and it is only going to get even more popular!

Avery is a sophomore at Elon University majoring in Print Journalism. She's involved with the yearbook, Phi Psi Cli, and the newspaper, The Pendulum, as well as a four year honors program called Leadership Fellows, and is also a member of Alpha Xi Delta, Theta Nu Chapter. Born and raised at the real Jersey Shore, she loves the beach, traveling, writing, running, and shopping. She recently studied abroad in Costa Rica for January Term, and hopes to go abroad for a semester in the fall of 2011. She hopes to move to Manhattan after she graduates and work for a women's magazine. Avery is excited to have the chance to bring Her Campus to Elon University.