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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.


Meet Audrey Brown, the Freshman who is already on track for her dream job. While many of us enter college with no clue where we want to end up, Audrey not only has an end goal, but has already started achieving it.

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA.

Major/Minor: Strat Comm major and professional sales minor.

What are you involved with on campus?: I help run the twitter and snapchat for Etalk and am in a sorority.

What is your dream job?: Right now it would be a real estate agent, but I’m using college as a way to explore my options in Public Relations.

What have you done with Real Estate in the past?: I Interned at a Real Estate office this past summer. I wrote letters to high end clients, helped work the open houses, went on go-sees, and helped work on their website.

How did you get interested in Real Estate?: For the month of May in my senior year of High School we didn’t have class, we had to do an internship in a field that we might be interested in. So I chose real estate because I like looking at houses in general, little did I know that I would like it so much and that they would ask me to do an internship with them for the summer.

Do you have any plans for Real Estate in the future?: As of right now I am hoping to go for my license in the next year, but you never know where life will take you!

I am a Freshman at Elon University and originally from Philadelphia, PA. I am currently obtaining a degree in Strategic Communications. I have always loved to write, and Her Campus provides an amazing platform to connect with other college females around the world!