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Clay Johnson, ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Name: Clay Johnson
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Hometown: Hickory, NC
Major: Finance
Relationship Status: In a relationship

What are you involved in on campus?
Varsity Football

How do you like to spend your free time?
Football, relaxing with my teammates, hanging out with my girlfriend

What’s your favorite…
Outdoor activity: Backyard sports, Hunting, Fishing
Movie to quote: The Departed
Type of food: Sushi
Elon memory: Any given saturday when I get to go out with my teammates and compete

Got a celebrity crush?
Been watching a lot of Mad Men lately so Christina Hendricks

What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I love chick flicks!!

If you were awarded a superlative, what would it be?
I’ve been told I have an infectious laugh so ‘Best Laugh’

Describe your ideal first date?
Hard to beat dinner and a movie

Describe your dream girl?
Don’t really have a type but someone who challenges me and makes me want to be better.

Any relationship advice?
Find someone who brings out the best in you. Someone that makes you want to improve yourself and drive your ambition.

Avery is a sophomore at Elon University majoring in Print Journalism. She's involved with the yearbook, Phi Psi Cli, and the newspaper, The Pendulum, as well as a four year honors program called Leadership Fellows, and is also a member of Alpha Xi Delta, Theta Nu Chapter. Born and raised at the real Jersey Shore, she loves the beach, traveling, writing, running, and shopping. She recently studied abroad in Costa Rica for January Term, and hopes to go abroad for a semester in the fall of 2011. She hopes to move to Manhattan after she graduates and work for a women's magazine. Avery is excited to have the chance to bring Her Campus to Elon University.