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8 Great Things to Do on Your Next Snow Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

With snow in the forecast for this week, I think it is safe to say that we’re all beginning to imagine that highly anticipated day off of classes and commitments. There’s nothing better than looking out the window and seeing the entire campus covered in a white blanket of snow. Taking a quick break from a normally busy schedule is always well deserved, providing students an opportunity to rest, rejuvenate, and get organized. At this point, the anticipation of that email with the subject “School Closed due to Inclement Weather” is ever so real.



So to prepare you for that upcoming snow day, here are some to-dos. I’m not talking a list of assignments or papers, but some activities that will get you in that cozy, relaxing, snow day mood.


  1. Sleep in – First and foremost, sleep is the most important thing. Having a day to catch up on sleep prepares you for the rest of the week and allows you to be productive in your classes the next day. After all, you deserve it especially if you are usually getting up early for that 8am class. Cheers to no alarms!

  2. Watch a movie – It is so hard to find spare time to actually sit down and watch an entire movie. Cozy up in bed and find a good movie. Maybe even grab a few friends and all watch an Oscar nominee together. February 28th is just around the corner!

  3. Make hot chocolate – I always associate snow days with hot chocolate. You can never go wrong with a hot, mug of hot cocoa on a cold day.

  4. Stay in your pajamas all day – Who says you have to go outside? A snow day is a perfect excuse to stay in your dorm all day and just hang out.

  5. Have a Netflix marathon – We all have that one show that has become part of our lives. A snow day is your time to get through those next few episodes, or the entire season if we’re being honest.

  6. Get ahead on work – Though it may be tough to use your extra time to get ahead on assignments, it is very beneficial. It’ll lighten your homework load for the following nights and allow you to complete your assignments more thoroughly.

  7. Call your parents – When is the last time you picked up the phone and had a long chat with your mom or dad? Carve out some time and give them a call! They will love it.  

  8. Clean your room – Snow days provide an opportunity to organize and get situated. Make your bed, fold the clothes in your closet, vacuum your rug – do whatever makes you feel neat and tidy! Organize your papers and binders and prepare for the days ahead.

There are so many great things to do with this extra time! Relax, but also make it productive. Enjoy!  

Allie Keigher Elon University Class of 2019 Greenwich, CT Communication Design major and Digital Art minor