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5 DIY’s to Spruce Up Your Place for Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

Unbury yourself from those thick layers of blankets, fuzzy socks, and hot chocolate packets because it’s finally spring! Instead of spending your lazy afternoons cuddled up to your computer for yet another Netflix binge, start prepping your place for the new season. After your spring cleaning is complete, here are a few DIY ideas to make your place just as bright and fresh as that gorgeous Carolina blue sky.

Spring Scents

One of the best ways to boost the energy of your place is by opening windows and getting rid of all that stagnant air. Now that the curtains are tied back and the sun is shining in, test out some of these ideas to bring new scents to your place.

· Fresh flowers placed in front of the window

· Put your favorite perfume on a light bulb so it smells great every time you turn it on!

· Keep your floors mopped with nice smelling cleaner and grind up some citrus peel if you’ve got a garbage disposal

· Create your own mixture of essential oils (like lavender or a fresh mint) to spritz around the house      

Mason Jars 

There is no such thing as owning too many Mason Jars. Paint them on the inside for a more rustic feel and fill them with flowers to give your place a light, airy feel. They’re definitely a fun throwback look and clearly Mr. Darcy-approved.

Colorful Coasters

There are a variety of ways to make colorful coasters, from color-blocking to finding your favorite scrapbook paper designs to put on top. With white tiles, Mod Podge, and cork on the bottom to prevent table scratching, you’ll quickly find yourself more excited to host dinner parties and potlucks! Check out this site out for the steps.

Make Your Place Look Larger with Mirrors

Be your own interior decorator and play around with lighting and space. A great way to let that natural light shine in is by adding fun mirrors to make your place look larger and more vibrant. Check out 10 different ways to do this!

Storage and Furniture Makeover with Stencils

Make your storage bins bright and exciting by painting stencils on otherwise plain material or get crazy and give your stools a makeover!  That chevron design is certainly not going out of style, so feel free to give your furniture a new look. 

Rising senior at Elon University, studying International Studies and Creative Writing. Lover of ultimate frisbee, coffee and more coffee, and dancing everywhere.