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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elizabethtown chapter.


Whether you’re a complete romantic or one that frequently exclaims, “I hate love,” love exists and you really cannot escape it. With that being said, there are so so so many different types of love. For instance, there is a family love, husband and wife love, friendship love, romantic love and then there is just Love Love. That’s the one I want to talk about today.

1. Showing you care is important

This is something that is simple to do and extremely easy to forget. Nonetheless, each day make an effort to show someone you love you care about them. As college students, we are often swamped with assignments, sleep deprived and looking forward to post finals. In spite of this, take a small amount of your time to do something kind. It really doesn’t have to be extravagant. Send a text to your friend to let them know you are thinking of them, write a letter to your family, buy a candy bar for your loved one, or give someone a hug. These sweet gestures let others know that you are happy that they are in your life. That is an important aspect of any healthy type of love. This is good for them and you!

2. Take time to physically be with those you love

Scientific research has shown that spending time with people you love and make you happy makes you feel better and even live longer. Who doesn’t want to experience that? On the weekend, make an effort to hangout with or visit a loved one. If it is warm, go for a walk, if it is chilly stay in and have a movie night. No matter what you do, spend time talking to the person you love and make them feel as though you will always be there to help them. This is important. If your loved one does not live close by, call them, yes I did say call, or skype them. This is a great option for you to stay connected to this person.

3. Spread the love

As my favorite singer Harry Styles says, “Be kind.” That about sums it up! Love does not mean that you have to go around hugging strangers or dropping 100 dollars to every person you see (although if you want to do this, please by all means do so)! Treating others with kindness showcases a love for strangers that is unique. Next time you’re at the store, hold the door open for the person behind you (shout out to Etown College students who do this on a daily basis), or you could pay it forward by paying for the person’s fast food behind you. Kindness comes from your heart; by doing so this is a love that can do incredible things in our ever-growing and changing world. Each day, make it your goal to be kind and loving. This could be as big as making a poster to advocate for kindness or as simple as a smile to an unfamiliar face. The choice is yours girls.

I hope that this short piece reminded you on the importance of love. I believe that love has been around since the beginning of time and I think that we can all play a role in keeping this trend going until the end of time. Show your love for others and you will make others happier as well as yourself.

Have a fantastic week! XXX. Brianna

Kristen Wade

Elizabethtown '19

Kristen Wade is a senior Communications major with a concentration in PR and a minor in Graphic Design at Elizabethtown College. Kristen loves hiking, shopping, and baking. After graduation, Kristen hopes to work in digital marketing.