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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elizabethtown chapter.

It’s odd how these days all anyone must do is download an app on their phone for potential love (or just fun). I take my job as a swiper seriously and my results have been varied. As a college girl it’s a stigma that most boys just want the V, maybe we just want the D? This is seemingly impossible though, because unlike our counterparts it seems if we want to be promiscuous, we get judged. That topic is for another time, mostly because I don’t care what people think about me.  

The only issue I have with the whole swiping system is the finger cramps. Honestly, I find it fun and maybe that means I’m a semi-terrible human, because on this app you get to judge a book by its cover. I just swipe and swipe away. Of course, there are matches (I’m not that much of a reacher). To be honest, though, my results always yield the same and that is there are very few results at all. I think maybe it’s me, but I’m not that ugly, I’m just awkward and I think that’s where my issue lies. Apps like Tinder and Bumble have gotten me dates, which were, ehhhh, they were fine, but obviously not stellar or I wouldn’t be alone. That’s a different issue though. I thought oh this is perfect to find a man, but I’m not so sure these days, this doesn’t make it any less fun though.

I’ve had many different interactions on these sites and a few which truly speak to me on a personal level because they are too funny not to.  One time on Tinder I swiped on this guy. Let’s call him Trevor.

Meal Plan:

Trevor: I’m a Virgin.

Me: Cool…

Trevor: Wanna take it from me? I’ll take you out to dinner.

Me: That’s nice of you.

Trevor: I know I have a meal plan at my college, I don’t have a car though so you will have to come to me.


Now, I’m not saying virginity is bad, I’m saying the fact that he had a meal plan he was going to use for a date is bad. I want to be treated right, I want some nugs, not some school lunch. It could be petty on my part. The thing is people are instantly braver on these sites to plain outright say what they want. Of course, unless you get a catfish, which tends to make things different. On these sites there is an opportunity to be selective, the issue though is there are many many weirdos. The thing is, everyone has their own standards and own kinks, but every once a while I just think, could a conversation go worse, and it does. This is where Mike comes into play.

Let Me Send a Selfie:

Mike: Hey, your pretty.

(Yes, he used the wrong your)

Me: Thanks, how are you?

Mike: Not bad just chilling in my bed.

Me: Same! Lol

Mike: Yeah want me to send a selfie?

Me: Sure

Mike: First I wanna ask you something.

Me: What?

Mike: Can I wear your underwear?

Me: sure lol

Mike: cool I love underwear.

**Insert photo of a hairy man in thigh highs, underwear and bra**

Me: Nice.

Mike: Yeah dressing up turns me on, you don’t mind, do you?

Me: No, it’s good.


Of course, the whole women’s clothes thing doesn’t freak me out. To each, their own is a saying I live by. The thing is the conversation got stranger, and it’s something I can’t share. There are tons of stories to share and tons of odd things I have found, but nothing has turned me off on the search for love. Love being loosely put, because sometimes it isn’t always loved I want. Tinder and its counterparts tend to be a good time, which has great results for certain people, and some mediocre results for people like me.

Mary Kirby

Elizabethtown '21

Hi! I’m Mary!