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When a Friendship Has Come to an End

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

Sometimes growing up means growing apart. I learned this the hard way. I cannot tell you how many people have floated out of my life because one of us realized we couldn’t work together; this also includes romantic relationships. In high school, I lost two of my best friends because as we grew, we changed. We weren’t as compatible anymore and that distance got in the way of our friendships. I also grew to be stronger in myself and more independent and surprisingly, I found there were people who didn’t like the fact that I didn’t have to rely on them. I was able to take care of myself without needing someone around me 24/7.

I am writing this article because I recently have had to let go of a friendship. I realized that this friendship was doing me more harm than good. In the beginning and for the majority of this friendship I could count on this individual for everything. In my darkest times they were there, even if they didn’t know what was going on, they were on the other end of the phone to make me laugh or to remind me I was loved even through my struggle. In the past year when I needed this person, they weren’t there but I would find myself dropping everything for them. They changed and it took me a little while to see it. Most likely, I didn’t want to see it.


When the reality came crashing down and I made the realization that this friendship as over I was heartbroken. I felt like the years with this person were wasted. I felt betrayed and abandoned. I was so angry that they seemed to not care about our friendship or me anymore. I realized that I couldn’t be bitter about it. There’s that word; bitter. I use this word to describe myself on a regular basis. I don’t aim to be but sometimes I have a hard time seeing the good in people once they have wronged me. I have always had a hard time forgiving people. You are told to forgive and yes it’s easy to say, but some people have a hard time actually doing it when push comes to shove; it’s a survival thing.

Things have happened in my life recently that made me realize life is way too short to put the stress of negative people on you. These people may not be negative themselves, but may be negative when in your life. They may not be the best thing for you and that’s okay. It is best to just let them go. You have to be selfish to a certain extent in this life. You have to put yourself first when it comes to your health and your happiness. You are allowed to be upset if a relationship with someone ends and you can be angry at the situation but don’t let it ruin your life. You never know what the future holds. You may grow together as friends again. Try to keep an open mind, and an open heart, but not at your own cost.

I’m adding this next picture because I feel this could be deep and these cat friends make me smile.